Chapter One

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I've always been a quiet person.
Lurked in the background, got my work done, didn't talk much, etc.
but I had a reason.
Before we get to that, let's rewind to before elementary school.
I was pretty brilliant as a child, if I do say so myself.
I learned to dance before I could crawl or walk, an example of how music has played a huge part in my life.
I remember when I was little I had this huge inflatable ball pit my parents would blow up and put it in the living room and I would just sit in it with a blank expression for hours on end. It's not that I hated the thing, I actually would cry whenever they deflated it.
I don't know.
. (Just so you know, this book is going to have little to no order and I'm pretty much just going to type whatever comes into my head that relates to the overall topic of the chapter.)
I was an only child at the time, spoiled rotten.
My grandparents who lived about thirty minutes away would drive over all the time.
I was living the life.
Sitting in a diaper watching Blue's Clues. Did you know Blue is a girl and Magenta is a boy? Breaking through stereotypes right there.
My beautiful life changed when my sister was born.
I don't remember much about her as a baby, just that I was so upset about her birth that my parents bought me the Cinderella movie and Erica and Annalise dolls from Barbie's Princess and the Pauper that sang together if you pressed buttons on their backs.
I grew used to her as she got older.
We would play something we nicknamed SOG so my parents wouldn't find out we played it.
Basically after my parents went to sleep we would sneak out and walk around the house. There was nothing bad about it, just the suspense of sneaking around and not waking the parents filled our little hearts with glee.
We shared a room and had bunk beds, which was literally the coolest thing in the world. We would climb up the side of the bunk bed and jump off.
Now we thought our lives were perfect...until the next two came along.
When we found out about the twins it was only supposed to be one. My parents gave candy bars to my family that said something like, "baby #3 is on the way" it was a big shock to everyone when "baby #3" turned out to be "baby #3 plus one" The twins, boy and girl, have always been inseparable. The girl is a little chatterbox. She is friends with anybody and everybody. The boy is more reserved. He plays sports but is very smart.
My sister and I despised them. They were annoying. The little babies of the family. They had no responsibilities, and as I was the oldest, I always got in trouble for what they did. When the girl was about four, she would walk around saying the f word all the time. She never got in trouble. I did because they thought I taught it to her. I was seven. I didn't even know what the word meant. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they were so. Obnoxious. And this is how I felt, until elementary school.

That one nerdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora