Chapter 5: indulgence

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Laying down, my mind is swirling. The room is spinning. Daimon rushes back into the room with something in his hands. Hopping on to the bed to sit by my side he urges me in a caring way "drink this! It'll make you better!" He hands me a cup and as I grab it he holds my head up to keep me from spilling the stuff everywhere. Pressing my lips against the edge of the cup, I smell the aroma of the liquid inside it. The smell of a nice spicy scent catches my nose drawing my fangs out more. The intensity building inside me causing me without question to then begin to drink the warm fluid. The delicious, salty thickness trickles down my dry throat as I gulp it down. My cravings begin to feel satisfaction, it flows over my tongue, my monster controls me and I enjoy it greatly. The beast inside compels me with each breathe I take to want even more. My sickness heals as I indulge deeper in the sensation being fed to me. My weaknesses start vanishing into thin air. Now that I am satisfied with whatever this is...I feel stronger. My senses go into a frenzie and I feel a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside. This's different I want to feel it more often. Is this my new addiction? What is this? What is this power that I've craved for so long? It's way better than cigarettes.
Getting to the bottom of the cup, I finish the salty goodness in one last gulp. "Huh..." I lick off the last red drop at the bottom of the cup. The surrounding of my eyes turned black and my red pupils radiate through the black clouds of my eyes. This is what it's like to be a monster that indulges in its one true desire. This is what true power feels like. Daimon lets go of my head and I wipe the yummy dark goo off from around my lips. This sensation...I want more. I look over at him quickly. His pulse beats faster and faster. His veins are calling my name with each pump, with his very breath....I want to indulge in him...not in his masculine body but in his soul, his humanity, the blood that makes his heart beat. I lunge on top of him like an animal wanting more of whatever it was he gave me a dose of. "Catie...stop." He spoke softly as if he didn't want to hurt me. He couldn't do that even if he wanted to, I'm to strong, and he's to much of a nice person. Was I hurting him? I didn't know anymore but I did not care either. He was mine...he is my victim.Baring my fangs, I tilt my head towards his thick neck. Reaching my fangs for his lively pulse, I pierce his skin sharply to dig into his flesh. I can't control myself. The red liquid from his body flowed through out me as I held him closely, seeping my nails into broad back. His odor of dog bothered me no more. My fangs sank deeper into his neck as he graciously gave himself over to me.
All of a sudden, I feel a burning sensation forming as I indulged in his blood. "Ahhhhh!!!!" I retract my fangs away from his neck. It burns! I don't understand the other stuff wasn't like that! If he this was going to happen...Did he poison his blood to protect him from me?! I was out of my mind with only a shred of my human self left as my demon tried profusely to take complete control. I snarled at him in anger for his tricking me. I'm one girl who likes to tease but doesn't like to be teased, that is unless it involves something other than this current situation. Smoke starts coming out of my mouth and I cough up all the blood I took from him as my eyes begin to bleed out. In utter anguish and anger I fall to my knees. Coming two, I realize what I've been doing. What I have delightfully treated myself to. Oh No! How could enjoy something like this?! Daimon laid passed out in front of me. Why didn't he stop me?! Stupid! I could have killed him! "Ah!" I wince in agony as I felt something burning onto the skin on my hand with the lunar mark.
Peering down at my hand I see smoke forming between the center of the crescent mark. A tribal art like wolf formed or rather burned onto my hand. Was I suppose to drink his blood? What does the wolf stand for? To freaked out with What I have just done, I hastily crawl over to Daimons still body. I can't loose him too! Why is this happening?! I start crying as a lay his head in my lap, petting his soft dark hair. My insides are on fire but I deserve it after my rash actions. I'm such a monster. This is to cold tears hit his soft face. My eyes return to the new red pupils I now have. He helped me, he was Jake's friend, I actually felt safe with him. Usually I run from feeling a sense of security but he's different. Jake would be so pissed if he found out I killed his friend. But I know Daimon isn't dead, although he has a week pulse now. My tears end up blending with the blood that came from my eyes after I drank from him. Great, just great! I'm a monster! I'm evil! I've lost my boyfriend! Now I'm loosing someone else!
The sun starts to peek through the dark room's window. A ray of light coming through hit my arm. "Ow!" I cried. Looking down at where the light struck my skin looked as if it were simmering. Pieces of my arm started to turn to ash and float through the air. Not only are my insides throbbing but I'm literally burning away. Tracing back into my thoughts, I remember something of importance. My bracelet! Where's my bracelet?! Thinking back to what happened the night before I had the dream, the bracelet might have protected me from that creature that killed Jake. I try looking around but I don't want to leave Daimon. His pulse is still week and if he were to take his last breath I would want to be by his side. I cry in panic"Daimon...wake up. Please..I'm scared. I don't want to loose you too. Please..." My arm is slowly burning off. As I try to ignore the pain, I touch Daimons cheek gently with my hand. I don't know what to do so I just sit and cry. I'm such a burden on everyone. He doesn't deserve this. "Daimon...I'm sooo sorry." I whispered through my tears and pain. Please,...don't die.
Then I feel something warm on my hand again. It was Daimons hand. He reached up and touched my hand as i caressed his cheek. "Catie...your burning...your eyes..."he softly spoke becoming more conscious. Then apologizing once more "I'm so sorry." I cried. I closed my eyes letting the tears flow down my face. The next thing I know, he's holding me in his arms, hugging me. His embrace stopped the sunlight from severing part of my arm into ash any further. However, it's searing pain is getting to me. "it's not your fault." He whispered in my ear as his hand gently made its way into my hair to hold me closer. How can he say it's not my fault? Everything is always my fault. If anything bad happens it's because of me. I wept on his chest wishing for his forgiveness.
"'s ok. You couldn't control it. There is something you need to know...I know your going through a lot but I think I need to tell you now, why your special. It's not just because of your silly sarcasm or your cute's because you aren't really something considered normal to this world..." Daimon paused looking me in the eyes. Special...silly sarcasm...cute smile...aww he likes me...even though I tried to eat him. Something not normal...he can say that again. "You are very're destined to rule over all the creatures of the night. You are queen Ecatera. Descendant of Alicia de beau a French vampire and Silviu Alexander third descendant to be made by Lucan the first of the lycans."
"Haha...queen of what?! A unicorn kingdom and zombie marshmallows!" I try to laugh it off. Me a queen, yeah right! Ok, he looks like he's being serious. Wow, I'm a bit of jerk. Does he really believe this stuff? "You're not kidding are you...? What the hell is a lycan? And me a queen! Daimon I'm barely making it in life! I'm a huge failure! How does one expect someone like me to rule over something like that? And..and..descendant of who..? Are u telling me my parents never died in a car accident? is this possible?!" I laugh it off like its nothing. He can't be serious. I can't believe this but after everything that's happened I don't know what to believe anymore. How does he know so much about me?! Is he a stalker?! "Catie...just listen alright. It's ok." He tried to assure me interrupting my laughter of denial.
Oh, he is serious...Calming down, I wait patiently for him to continue. I know I can trust him after everything he's helped me with. There was no need in acting irrational like I always do. I hope he isn't phyco since he actually believes in lycans and stuff. "The other night when Jake was getting attacked, a Raven turned into a witch. As part of the supernatural there is a prophecy passed down to each one of us about a savior that will take control and end almost all wars between different supernatural species. It's also said that the savior might be the end to all vampires.Many of us know about the prophecy but not nearly as much as witches especially the ones in Romania where the prophecy originated. Well, the witch that came to me was one of the witches that helped put you into hiding after your birth. She put a spell on you until it was time for you to show your identity. She concealed your monster making you seem like an average human. She knew your parents and as a witch it was her given duty to watch over you on behalf of them. She told me she could no longer protect you because she was dying of old age. Knowing who I was, she told me who you were and told me everything about the prophecy so I could watch over you successfully. I originally knew who she was. I met her as a kid. She told me that this would happen to you eventually in great detail. You have four markings on your hand. Each one you gain after you fulfill apart of the prophecy. The first one, the moon, is for your protection. It's also the symbol of your awakening as ruler of the moon. The second one, the wolf, you drink the blood of a werewolf or get scratched by one. This shows the lycan part of yourself is now activated.You are supposed to turn on the next full moon after this mark is completed. I didn't want to hurt you so I didn't hesitate when I saw you wanted more blood and lunged after me. That's right...I'm a lycan. I was born one. I never told Jake or anyone else about this but ended badly. The next mark will either be a blood drop or a blue rose. The blood drop signifies the killing of your own kind. You have a choice to kill a vampire or a lycan. The blue rose is to signify the finding of your one and only true love. A blue rose is rare that is why this mark may be harder to gain but whoever you find love with will rule by your side for an eternity. The last thing she told me is to meet up with a witch or her daughter in Romania for further information and to protect you against vampires. I have to meet with someone tonight in secret to get the money for plane tickets.Now that you have awakened they will be hunting you down. With the way you look now it will be easy to spot you. We have to change your appearance somehow. Maybe you can dye your hair. Whatever we need to do we need to get done before tomorrow night when we leave for Romania."he told all of this to me in a serious tone. This explains why that vampire in the woods called me queen Ecatera. So all of this really is real. He isn't joking. Taking a moment to process this all, an awkward silence forms between us. Soooo, I'm this ruler...we have to go to Romania, I have to kill things..., and...I have to hide from an angry mob of evil vampires...oh and Daimon is a giant dog every full moon. No wonder he stinks to my vampire senses. I guess vampires aren't supposed to drink lycan blood...that would explain my allergic reaction. Oh one more thing...I'm immortal! Hey atleast I get to live forever! I get to party 24/7! Not sure if that's a good thing though this world sucks. But atleast I get cool tattoos! Hahahahaha.....why do I always end up in weird situations? "Soooo you're a lycan, werewolf thingy...and isn't Romania like the vampire capital of the world...I'm sorry this is just so much to take in." I lay my head on his shoulder with a really big headache. Hey he actually smells good now! Ok his blood does wonders...Goodbye normal life! Hello weird freaky one!

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