Chapter 7: shoplifting and perverse vamps

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In the mall, we go into hot topic, one of my favorite stores. I immediately head for the purple haze manic panic to do my hair with. Daimon was kind enough to buy me the hair dye, a few concert tees, and a pair of fingerless gloves with studs to cover my hand with. I don't think anyone has bought me so much stuff that I wanted. All of my foster parents disapproved of my style, and most gifts that I got from Jake was stolen. I even stole these expensive combat boots because I didn't have any money. Usually, I stick to the motto "if you can't get what you want, take it."
I wish he hadn't spent so much money on me though. I feel bad that I don't have a way to repay him. He's so generous and different. There was only one issue though. The people everywhere in the mall made me want to kill, rip their throats out. I could hear everyone's hearts pumping blood. Everyone was a walking blood binge ready to be fed on. I tried not to loose it and got light headed in the process. When Daimon saw I was getting a migraine to keep myself from creating a massacre, he bought the stuff and we went back to his place. Ha! But he doesn't know i managed to steal some band pins for my leather bag!
Walking back inside the house with a clear head again, I'm now hungry once more. Entering the living room, I sit on the sofa with the stuff from hot topic in front of me. Scavenging my pockets I pull out the band pins pleased with myself for snagging them with no one noticing. Daimon walks to his fridge to fix get stuff out for dinner. Hearing the microwave turn on, I hear him shuffle around the kitchen cabinets. He stops the microwave and walks over to set a cup in front of me. The cup had a deep red liquid in it like before. It was blood. The aroma strikes me with great pleasure.Why does a werewolf have blood in his refrigerator. It's rather peculiar. I thought they weren't like vampires. "Where are you getting these blood bags?" I ask him curiously. Taking the cup and chugging the nice salty liquid. "I don't know.Where did you get those band pins?" He asked sarcastically yet serious at the same time, seeing my pins on the the table. "Huh... It was just a little steal. It's not a big deal." I told him because if I had lied it would be more obvious. He looked down a little disappointed at me. "You really shouldn't steal things."he said towards me rather displeased. I look down at the ground kind of ashamed but at the same time, glad I got these pins. It's not like I'll have them long anyway. They won't pass through the metal detectors at the airport." I get them from a vampire friend of mine. He's the one coming over to give me money for the plane tickets tonight. Don't worry though. He doesn't know why I need the money. I just told him I'd pay him back." He assured me casually answering my question. That explains why he said not all vampires are bad. He walked back into the kitchen to fix himself food too. He fixed himself ramen noodles. I feel really bad now. He just spent all this money and he's eating ramen. Well ramen is good but still. It would have been easier to steal things.
Well since I have my new purple haze hair dye, I'll leave him sitting here with his ramen to go dye my hair. "I'm going upstairs ok." I let him know. Getting up, I walk upstairs and into the bathroom with my stuff from hot topic. Sitting my new objects on the bed, I go into the bathroom to dye my hair and cut it to a short medium length with a nice shower. I stack the back of my hair in the back. Now I look awesome! I mesmerize at my new hair cut in the mirror. Walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, I head for my bag of things to get dressed. "Hey Catie..." Daimon walks into the room unexpectedly. I'm not the least bit shocked but he stopped dead in his tracks. "Hey what's up?" I pretend like everything is ok as I pull out one of my new shirts with the towel still wrapped around me. He's obviously speechless. This is hilarious. He acts like he's never seen a girl naked before. I mean he's already seen me naked before and I'm still wearing a towel. How else would I end up with bandages? I geuss it is kind of different since I was unconscious and sick. " friend is here if uh come down stairs when your dressed ok." He hesitantly walked out trying his best to look away. Wow, didn't even say anything about my new haircut. He's to innocent. I giggled to myself, putting on some of my new clothes and slip on my gloves to cover my mark.
I go to run down stairs and end up speeding instead. I guess some movie cliches are right when it comes to vampirism. I have super speed! This could definitely come in handy! Especially in bed. Heading back into the living room I see Daimon talking to his vampire friend. They both Stopped talking in mid-sentence to look up at me. His friend has red eyes like mine. In his hands he held a large wad of money. Assuming it's for plane tickets I overlook it. " can keep talking. I didn't mean to interrupt or anything" I said to break the awkward silence between them both. It didn't really work so I just kind of stand here awkwardly hoping they'll take there eyes off of me. This is uncomfortable. "'m sorry. This is my friend Eric." Daimon spoke mind boggled pointing to the vampire on the couch next to him.He wouldn't take his eyes off of me because of what just happened upstairs. This is to funny. Eric looks at me like he's just seen an angel."Hi. My name is Catie." I said shaking hands with Eric. He isn't as good looking as Daimon but he has nice hair. "So your the vampire girl Daimon has been talking so much about. It's nice to meet you love." He spoke with a British accent. Then his eyes looked somewhere I didn't expect he'd look. Ugh, guys are such perverts. "So when did you become a full fledged vampire?" He asked curiously now looking at my eyes. " just the other night. Why?" I asked sternly pressing my lips together to show my displeasure. Ok, Daimon can look anywhere he wants but if I'm not interested in someone that will not like me back in the right way...prepare to have fingers chopped off. "Haha. Just wondering dove." He laughed a bit to amused at my displeased look.
"So Daimon how on earth did you find such a lovely creature?"Eric asked Daimon still staring up at me as if I were a tasty dessert of some sort. I know exactly how to end this. It may be somewhat scandalous but who am I to care. Before Daimon could say anything in return to Eric, I sit in his lap and put my arms around his neck facing him.
"Yeah babe, how on earth did you come along a lovely creature like me?" I smiled and nipped the bottom of his ear lobe a little bit. Appearently, nipping his ear worked. He looked shocked but seemed to like it a lot. The vampire sitting next to him got jealous and tense. He quickly looked down at the ground hoping Daimon wouldn't see his reaction. Awe, poor little vampire got his panties in a wad. I start to crack a grin but keep myself from doing so. " found her passed out and I..I.. Helped her." Daimon responded nervously out of breathe with his feelings in a bundle. He felt my sweet kiss below his ear as my soft lips gracefully press again this skin. "I see...well here is your money good chap. I think I will be taking my leave to leave you to your girlfriend." Eric left money on the table and speed out with vampiric speed not as enthused.
"So you talk about me?..." I grinned widely. Well at least now we both know we like each other. Maybe this could be a thing. I've never felt this way before. I mean I've felt scandalous many times before but never have I ever felt the feelings he gives me. He is different and I very much like that. " so uh...what was that? Just now?" He asked me frantically as I gave him an Eskimo kiss. "Well I caught your friend looking at my boobs so I decided to make him jealous." I told him in a blunt yet soft spoken way playing with his nice soft hair. "So you were using me?" He looked down at the ground. He's so sensitive, it's kinda cute. " not exactly...after every thing that's happened. It's clear you like me...and geuss Wat...I like you too. I just thought it was time to show it." I whispered in his ear still playing with his hair. I know what I just said might be straight forward but I know it's true. Although it has only been almost three weeks I can already feel some sparks. He's clearly not used to having girls around often. He seems like the type a guy that everyone at school would ignore or not notice. Not that it's a bad trait but he just doesn't seem to have much experience. Maybe I can show him a few tricks. "Oh, you do?" He appeared to now be enjoying himself. "That's right." I tell him wondering what he was going to do next.
Then he gets up all of a sudden. "I'm sorry. I like you I really do but I'm one of those guys that like to take things slow... I'm sorry I just think this is going to fast." He quickly walked upstairs. Well, ok then...I just sit here on the couch miffed. What does he mean to fast?! The next full moon is in 3 weeks. He's the one that grinned and said we could change together. I make a small pouty face. When it comes to guys, I've never really been rejected...come to think of it...I've only ever been with Jake. I didn't even want to do anything but maybe make out a little. I cross my arms like a five year old before going upstairs to the room Daimon is letting me stay in. I plop down on the bed and head plant into a pillow. It has been a really really long day, I want to go to sleep. Do vampires even sleep?!
"Ugh." I wail in into the pillow. Then I flop around, moving my arms like a walrus, to look out the small cracks in my window to see the moon. The moon, it holds so much mystery. The light illuminates through the cracks as I gaze up at the large round behemoth in the night sky. I close my eyes hoping for a deep sea of happiness to escape this world again like any normal human can but I can't fall a sleep. After a few minutes of trying, I can not. So it seems vampires really can't sleep. Then I will just lay here. I don't really think I can take on so much responsibility over so many supernatural beings. A whole new part of the world has been introduced to me and now I have to rule over it. I'd like to not think about it. The more distraction I cause for myself the better. It feels like I'm running from it. Maybe it's because I'm more afraid of this than anything else in all actuality.

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