Chapter 1: Shoot me

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Chapter 1
"I don't wanna go, please"
"You have to"
"Why? "
"He's your father "
"So you have to visit him"
"I don't wanna"
"I'm sorry Marissa, but you have too and it's only for a week"
"Feels like an eternity"
This was the first time Marissa felt alone. She felt as if she was just an object, just a ball being tossed around. She was once again being forced to see a man she hated, forced to spend a week where she felt unloved. As Marissa sat in the back of her fathers  old beat up roadrunner she looked out the window wondering "Is life even worth it, with all the pain in the world is life truly worth it"
"Shoot me"
"Only if you shoot me first"
These are the two lines that Marissa and Samantha would say to each other every day, in between every class. Marissa and Samantha are very similar, they're both hurting but in different ways. Marissa is struggling, thinking maybe just one cut to take all the pain away. Meanwhile Samantha is already there, both are pretty girls but while one girls arms are pale and fresh the other's are covered in scars. Neither are truly broken just yet though one is cracked while the other is merely just bent.
"At least it's Wednesday", Marissa sighed trying to sound the at least semi positive.
"Yeah I guess but there's still 2 more days left"
"Then after two days of freedom its right back here again"
"Don't remind me"
"Sorry, well anyway good luck"
"You too, and you'll need it Jake and Michael are both here today"
"Ugh just what I needed", Marissa already afraid to start her school day.
"Got to go,seeya, bye"
"Yeah whatever you too"
Marissa felt bad about how she ended their conversation with such a quick dismissive answer. Though she was dreading science so much that she really didn't have the care to apologize.

So the best friends split up Samantha to a class filled with notetaking and solitary, while Marissa was forced to go to science the one class where you actually interact with other people.

Unfortunately for Marissa her first class includes two boys she wish didn't exist. Michael, Marissa's science partner but much better known as her ex-boyfriend and Jake aka stalker kid. Marissa doesn't want to see either. Walking to her table she notices that Michael has already taken his chair down and pushed it as far away as possible from hers. Sighing she pulls her chair off the table, sets her books down, and walks over to talk to her friend Lizzie before class starts.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I really don't want to be here"
"I really don't think you have a say", Lizzie replies in her usual sassy tone.
"So I've heard, so you ready for today's big test"
"Hardly Mr. Lermy asks the stupidest questions"
"Really, nobody cares about any of this", Marissa points out. It's true though nobody walks though the grocery store and stops to think about magnetic reversal.
"Agreed, and we've known that plants do photosynthesis since the 4th grade"
"I'm telling you he's just a grumpy old man that needs a few more years of a minimum wage paycheck to retire"
"I know, he definitely doesn't do because of his love for kids"
"Maybe for his love to torture kids"
"Yeah, anyway look who just walked in", Lizzie says a smirk on her face.
"Help me", Marissa pleads yet knows Lizzie won't.
"No way this is the highlight of my day"
"I hate you"
"No pretty sure you love me"
Marissa rolls her eyes at Lizzie's comment before turning around to see Jake entering the room. Sighing Marissa wishes she could just disappear. Jake isn't really a bad guy he's just not Marissa type, see Jake is short and wears glasses and kind of has a stutter when he talks. Marissa doesn't mind having a guy like her it's just Jake is constantly following her around, asking her to go out with him. Marissa tries to walk back to her desk but it's too late, Jake is already on his way over.
"Hey Missy"
"Hey Jake and actually its Marissa"
"That's what I said"
"Oh ok sorry", Marissa feels bad about the mistake but doesn't want to go into the topic any further, really she doesn't want to go into any topic with Jake.
"It's cool, so you know I'm single right"
"I know"
"How about you"
"Same as yesterday, single"
"Good, so..."
"Anyone not in their seat when the bell rings has after school detention with yours truly"
Marissa runs back to her seat never being more thankful in her life to hear Mr. Lermy's voice. Although she would much rather be listening to Shane's. Marissa thinks Shane is super cute but not really boyfriend material, he's too much of a player. And although Noah liked her last year he's African American, Marissa doesn't mind but it would cause a social uproar at Robertson middle. See at Robertson there's no rules stating that you have to hang out with people of your race it just happens, more like separation by choice than separation by force.

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