Chapter 2: The Blonde Haired Boy

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Chapter 2
"Im home", a voice calls before the slamming of a door sounds.
Marissa knew it was her mother and
walking out of her room Marissa didn't  know what to expect, her evennings can go two ways. Usually Marisssa and her mom spend the evening together talking about their days and watching tv, but more and more often Marissa walks out to see fast food on the counter and her moms door shut. Today was one of those days she grabs the food from the counter before shutting herself in her rom like usual. After seeing the greasy food she decides not to eat it. Marissa is often called tiny but she doesn't think that. She's just never hungry or there's nothing for her to eat. It's became a common occurrence for her to skip a meal or two a week.
"Im going on a bike ride", Marissa shouts out not that it matter though, for no one will care anyway.

Not bothering with a helmet or pads Marissa closes the garage door and starts off. Riding past the basketball court she gets distracted when she sees a cute boy attempting a layup. This causes  her to crash into the curb, falling in the wet grass. Looking down to see her jeans covered in mud she knows how bad the rest of her appearance must look.
"Umm hi"
"You ok? That was a pretty bad fall?", the mystery boys asks seeming genuinely concerned about Marissa.
"Yeah, just a few bruises I'll be fine"
"You know that's  why they make helmets"
"It doesn't matter"
"What doesn't?"
"If I get it hurt it won't matter"
"And why's that?"
"No one cares about me I almost wish I was hurt, maybe then my mom would notice me", Marissa explains looking down.
"Aww don't say that. Ill admit sometimes I feel the same but come on lifes not all that bad"
"Maybe not yours, if I had to guess you have so many friends you can't count them with your fingers, you have two parents, and enough money to do whatever you please."
"Not of that's true, but anyone as pretty as you cant have it that bad", he says in attempt to lighten the mood.
"You'd be surprised,  the girls who talk the most and are always smiling are often the same ones who cry themselves to sleep at night."
"Do you?"
"Do I what?"
"Cry yourself to sleep"
"Sometimes", but the honest answer is yes, every night she cries herself to sleep.
"Sometimes you have to cry to get rid off the pain."
"I guess but still, you shouldn't have the pain to begin with."
"Everyone has some sort of pain its how you deal with it that matters"
"I know but it's just... I don't know... how about a change in subject."
"Sure. So you're sure you're alright?", the boy asks again.
"Pyhically sure, mentally I don't think I'll ever be"
"And whys that?"
"Never mind I got to go anyway", though Marissa doesn't really want to go home, she has school tomorrow, and it's getting dark.
"At least let me walk you home."
"It's really not necessary." Honestly Marissa just doesn't want him to see her old shack looking house.
"No worries, I want too"
"Ok fine I guess but you'lll not going to be able to keep up"
"Let me grab my bike from the rack, then it will be you who cant keep up"
"Whatever you say"
As he was walking to his bike, Marissa looked the mystery boy over; shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. She noticed that around his neck were a set of dog tags. He comes over and is getting ready to take off when Marissa speaks up.
"Whos dog tags?", Marissa was just too curious not to ask.
"On your neck, whose are they?"
"Oh they were my dad's", he replies in a low voice while fiddling his hands in his lap.
"Can we change the subject please, not really my favorite thing to talk about"
"Oh sorry. I didn't..."
"Let's  just get going. Which way?", he interrupts before Marissa can finish apologizing.
Marissa watching as he speeds off infront of her. Thinking he must not be the brightest considering he just took a sharp left.
"Hey wait up"
"Told you that  I was faster"
"Amparently dumber too, I said right", Marissa says in a teasing way.
"Crap. Im still going to beat you there anyway."
"Oh really, it's the cream house at the end of the street"
"Ok I see it, ready to to loose"
"In your dreams."
Both him and Marissa are racing to it.
In the end Marissa beats him there by just a few seconds.Smiling as he walks up Marissa cant help but think about how cute he looks all sweaty with a smile from ear to ear.
"I win"
"Whatever makes you feel good"
"Then I won"
"Sure you did. So whats your name?"
"Hey man, what's happening?"
Jason turns to a boy that's riding on a skateboard. Marissa takes this time to run inside her house before answering Jason. She didn't want to talk tops boy, get attached, and never see him again.

"Andrew, do you have to do that?"
"Do what?"
"Interrupt  when I'm talking to someone, especially a cute girl."
"Whats her name Ms.Invisible?"
Looking around Jason sees that theres no one aside from him and Andrew now. Which saddens him, he really liked the mystery girl.

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