Chapter 3: The mile

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Chapter 3
That night falling asleep for once Marissa wasn't crying she was too busy thinking about Jason. She didn't have nightmares or wake up at midnight like usual. She finally had a peaceful night.
Waking up the next morning with a sigh she threw on a pair of jeans and a t -shirt. Marissa didn't see why kids dressed up for school, to her it was just siting staring at a board all day.Grabong her phone off the dresser she texted Samantha.

oh nothing u just never text me in the morning
do you want me 2 go
nooo don't leave me
okay okay ill stay
yay, but why did u text me
I don't know Im in a good mood
tell u at school meet me in the usual spot

Marissa quickly grabbed her bag and got on the bus. Thoughout the bus ride she does the same thing as usual; reading. At the moment she's reading a book about a girl who has no memory of herself and her life and Marissa can't thijnk of anything that would be better right now.
Friday, this is the last day this week Marissa reminds herself. Walking over to their usual spot she notices that Samantha is already on the bench drinking what Marissa asuumes is tea.

Shoot me
Maybe? What's going on? Why wont you shoot me?
I don't know... Can I have a sip?
In exchange for a sip of yours

Samantha and Marissa always shared so it didn't matter to either. They viewed eachother as sisters and didn't mind if they got sick from the other.

So what
Why are you in such a good mood
I met this guy yesterday

Marissa told Samantha all about her encounter with Jason. Down to the  color of the shirt he was wearing. Samantha listened and smiled till Marissa got to the part where she ran into her house without telling Jason her name.

You didn't tell him your name
Why would I
You obvisly like him and by the sounds of it he likes you too.
He's in highschool
Why do think that
You don't see him walking around the halls do you
Doesn't mean hes in highschool and if he is so what
So he's like two years older then me
You'll date a future criminal but not a highschooler. Whats the real reason you didn't tell him your name
I just... you know how I feel about boys
After what happened with Michael there is no way im dating again
Come on he wasn't that bad
He was a pathological liar and threated to kill himself if I broke up with him
Better then Zac
You never did tell me why you guys broke up
Don't worry about it
What happened?come on you always tell me
Sorry Rissa not this time
He didn't hurt you right
Whatever back to Jason
What about him
You should go out with him
No way im not dating
Why not
Never again Sam
You could at leat be friends with him
He probably just wanted an excuse to go somewhere
He didn't even have to come over to you, he did and then we took you home
It doesn't matter ill probably never see him again
I guess but
No buts, its done it was one day
You ready for today
Whats today
The mile
Your kidding right?
Nope ten minute maximum
Ugh I hate her
Who cause you hate a lot of "hers'
Coach Midway
Who doesn't hate her
All of her softball players
That's the truth. She treats them so much better then the rest of her stundents.
Yea Rissa
How long
How long till what
Till we get out of this place
Rissa were only 20 days into the school year
Still I don't want to be here for 160 more
Neither do I but we don't have a choice
I know
Ugh we better get going I really don't feel llike having lunch deeteention today
Yea Seeya later
Yep bye
Morning went by way too fast for Marissa as now she has to go run the mile.  In this case Marissa would much rather be sitting in math class then running the mile. If only she had gotten hurt yesterday on her bike then she wouldn't have to run. Walking into the gym three minutes late probably wasn't helpful either.

Marissa your late
Sorry I couldn't open my locker
That's not an excuse
I know
Run a lap or lunch detention your choice

Marissa doesn't even answer as she starts to run ler lap around the gym. Whenever Marissa runs she holds onto her gold neckalace, a constant reminder that she is alive. She finishes her lap before going back over to where the rest of the group was.
Ok you have ten minutes the whole class has to make it or we will do it again next week.
There were groans and murmurings  heard from the group. Already having ran a lap Marissa is tired and slowly falling behind. Looking over at the highschool field she see's the guy who was riding the skateboard the day before talking to Jason.  Apparently Jason sees her as well as he waves at Marissa and starts walking toward the fence. Not wanting to talk to him Marissa starts to sprint and finishes the mile at 8.25.
Sitting down on the blenchers Marissa waits for Samantha to finish. While she waits Marissa looks back over to the highschool and Jason isn't there anymore;he must have went back inside. Samantha comes back and sits down next to her.

You alright
I guess my cut is killing me though
Where is it
Thigh and I cut a little too deep
How deep
Its not too bad ive done worse
Ok promise you are fine
At least we have free time the rest of class. Lets go sit under the tree.
Sure theres nothing better to do

Marissa and Samantha spend the rest of the class talking under the tree. They talk about everything, well everthing except Jason. Marissa didn't want to say that she saw him, because deep in her heat she really did like him but she's just too afraid to admit it. Marissa knew if she admitted to anyone, especially herself that she liked Jason that her heart was bound to be broken again.  Marissa was afraid that one more break would cause her heart to permanently be broken beyond repair.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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