Chapter 2

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Hands on her hips, Scarlet Overkill swept her gaze across the ring. Kind of shabby, but it wasn't anything a few pink and purple streamers couldn't fix. She hummed as she wove the decorations around the ropes. Image was everything. Too few villains made marketing a top priority. Which was fine since it'd give her an edge, especially at this point in her career.

Despite Scarlet's big dreams, a small corner ring at the Gastro was the best she'd been able to pull together with her meager funds. She tweaked one of the streamers. In the future, her spectacles would be bigger, better. Her clothes and hair would be the latest fashions, sleek and sophisticated. Everyone in the villain world would know her name. In the present, everything was as ready as it was ever going to be.

Time to set her plan in motion.

She kicked off her shoes and made her way to center ring. Clapped for everyone's attention. "Hello there, gentlemen! Listen up! I'm Scarlet Overkill. Got a fun night planned for you here at the Gastro!"

A few patrons glanced her way. Most ignored her.

Yikes. Tough crowd.

The gnawing void inside her exerted its usual relentless pressure. Don't give up, not ever. Not ever. Don't. Give. Up. When the void spoke, Scarlet had no choice but to listen.

It'd taken her the better part of two hours to convince Mr. Devlin, the Gastro's owner, to let her headline a fight event, so she needed to find a way to make this work. Failure was not an option.

Scarlet balled her hands into fists and bellowed out her challenge. "Come on, boys! Who wants to fight me?"

She scanned the crowd. Except for one gangly guy at the bar sipping milk, no one even looked her way. Scarlet immediately dismissed Milk Sipper as a potential candidate. Just, no.

But something about the man compelled her gaze to linger on him for a few seconds longer than she intended. Maybe it was the way he so casually lounged against the bar, as if he didn't have a fear in the world. Cut it out! Since when did she concern herself with anything but business?

Scarlet tore her gaze away from the bar and blew out a breath. What was wrong with these villains? Usually the problem was no one could get them to stop fighting. And here she was offering them an opponent no one would ever have expected-a woman. Wasn't that part alone worth its weight in gold?

Gold. Scarlet wanted gold, and lots of it. So badly she could taste it. How else was she supposed to fill the void?

So she couldn't-wouldn't-give up yet. The night was young and she craved the exposure. She needed to keep building her reputation in the criminal underworld. It was the only way to truly advance her goals. Supervillains didn't just happen overnight. And she intended to be the best there ever was.

As various villains walked by the ring, she tried once again to entice them.

"You there, sweetie. The hulk in the blue shirt. Come on up and have a go at me!" Scarlet flashed her most charming smile and gestured toward her toned body. "It'll be fun, I promise!"

Blue Shirt waved a dismissive hand. "I don't fight women," he rumbled.

Scarlet leaned her forearms on the top rope. "Why not?" she demanded. "Too weak? Or, hmm, maybe it's because you're a sexist pig!" She ended her taunt on a glare and a growl.

A collective gasp filled the room. Heads swiveled back and forth between Scarlet and Blue Shirt. But he didn't take the bait. Instead, he walked away.

Scarlet scowled at his back, willing her gaze to burn a hole right fucking through him. Was it too much to ask this group of villains to treat her with the same amount of respect as any other villain? Apparently so. Assholes!

Okay, if you wanna play dirty, I'll play dirty.

Scarlet stomped to her satchel. Grabbed her secret weapon.

She returned to the middle of the ring and held up a wad of cash. "A thousand pounds to anyone who can beat me!"

That got their attention.

Scarlet flashed a devious grin as a swarm of villains surrounded the ring. "Glad you could join me." Like a mama hen gathering her chicks, she gestured for them to come closer. "There we go. That's more like it!"

As they jostled one another to be the first in line, Scarlet held up the money. "Here's the deal. The first person to beat me wins this big fat wad of cash. If I win, you empty your pockets and give me whatever's inside. Might be a hundred pounds or even just a penny. It's all good." Scarlet giggled. "Well, except for lint. I don't do lint."

The villains chortled.

One man tossed a ball of lint into the ring. "You can do my lint anytime, baby!"

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "A real rebel, aren't you, hon?" She went to one side and tapped the rope. "Okay, gentlemen, form a line here. You, Tattoo King. You're first."

Tattoo King, whose every visible area of skin was covered by skull-themed tattoos, slipped through the ropes. He held his fists up to his face and danced around on the balls of his black-booted feet. The crowd began cheering. Emboldened by the onlookers, Tattoo King gave Scarlet an evil, crooked smile, revealing equally crooked teeth. As far as he was concerned, this fight was in the bag. His bag.

Scarlet silently monitored her opponent. If anyone were to study her closely, they'd notice the disarming smile plastered on her face didn't reach her calculating, emerald green eyes.

She took a deep breath, gathering her strength. Then she kicked, high and fast.

Her bare foot jabbed Tattoo King so hard his head snapped back. With a yelp, he dropped to the mat like a rock.

As he clutched his head in pain, Scarlet nudged his shoulder with her toe. "Empty your pockets, please."

With great effort, Tattoo King shoved his hand inside his pants pocket. Pulled out a ball of crumpled bills and tossed them in her direction.

She snatched them up and placed them next to her own wad of cash. Moaning, Tattoo King crawled from the ring.

Scarlet pouted, well aware of the hypnotic effect that her ruby red lips had on her audience. "Aww, that was over far too quickly. Can't a girl have some fun?" She glanced around. "Who's next?"

"I am." The second contender entered the ring. He was broad of chest and had tree trunks for limbs. His black top and trousers were ripped in several places, as if barely able to contain his girth.

Scarlet affected a worried expression. "Golly, you're so muscular. I hope my training is up to the challenge."

The villain cracked his knuckles. "Kiss your money goodbye, sweetheart!" He barreled forward like a torpedo.

Scarlet raised her arms and right foot, ready to unleash Snake and Crane. "If you say so."

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