Chapter 7

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Scarlet advanced Herb some money from her District Bank score and he used the funds to build her various heist aids. The items included X-Ray Sunglasses, a cloaking device that made her invisible for up to three hours, and a Magnetron Pulse Rod, good for disabling security systems.

Over the next few months, Scarlet went on a string of heists so high profile they made the national news. No one knew her identity, but everyone definitely knew a special villain was on the rise. Scarlet made more money than ever before. She wouldn't yet tell Herb where she stashed her loot, but he knew she had a lot of it because his invention budget kept increasing.

Back at her flat one fine Tuesday evening, he waited for her to return from her latest heist. Herb knew how much of her trust he'd gained simply by the fact that she often let him hang out at her place even when she was absent. He'd occasionally use the opportunity to stock her pantry or do a bit of cleaning. He made a note to build some cleaning bots, because Scarlet's rising star trajectory would soon mean he'd have to spend a great deal more time working on inventions. No kind of infernal device would be too epic for Scarlet Overkill.

Shortly after seven p.m., she sauntered in with a bunch of loot. Her hair was pinned back in a casual bun and she wore a cat burglar ensemble that hugged every curve.

Herb stood to greet her. He wanted to run over and sweep her into his arms, but their relationship was still strictly professional. He hoped that would change, and when it did, it'd be on Scarlet's time. She still held many secrets close to her chest. A chest he found himself staring at far more than was appropriate.

Herb was determined to do everything possible to earn her complete trust. Not just because he wanted to make passionate love to her every day-and every night-but because he wanted to help her become the greatest supervillain who ever lived. That much she had told him about her aspirations.

He smiled in welcome. "How'd it go?"

She dumped her gear and the case full of loot onto the floor. Gold coins and assorted jewelry spilled out. She kicked off her shoes and sprawled on the couch. Unpinned her bun and shook her hair loose. "Very, very well."

Herb resumed his seat, extending his long legs out before him.

She looked at him with a calculated expression. "I need to stock this place with some bigger chairs."

Sure, her chairs were too small for his tall frame, but he'd found a way to make it work. However, he wouldn't complain if she wanted to buy a new set of furniture.

"Either way is fine with me." He pulled out his lighter and a joint. Looked to Scarlet. "You mind?"

She shook her head while rubbing her bare feet. Herb really wanted to take care of that for her. What was it about Scarlet that brought out his nurturing side? These days, all he ever thought about were things he could do for her. Not just inventing or making her tea, either. Pleasurable things.

Kinky things.

Like massaging her bare feet with his-

Scarlet raised her brows. "What?"


"You look like you wanted to say something."

Herb shook his head and concentrated on lighting up. Damn, but she was perceptive. He'd have to be more careful lest he broadcast his lusty thoughts all over the place for real.

After taking his first drag, he offered her the joint. "To celebrate."


Scarlet hesitated, then carefully accepted the joint from his hand. "Maybe just one." It had been a good heist.

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