Chapter 2: My annoying Siblings

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I had fun writing this chapter, it is not that long but I hope you enjoy it.

*The next day *

Jessica's POV

There I was sitting on my bed, just thinking about everything that had happened before I met Dylan, the constant panic attacks, my loneliness, never having real friends, bad grades and my parents, how everything changed the day a clumsy kid named Dylan O' Brien made me fall off my bike and how he helped me with all my problems, since that day my grades became better, the panic attacks were less, in less words life became better and I remember we used to pull pranks on Stuart , one day when Dylan and I had nothing to do we went to the kitchen, grabbed and onion and covered it with caramel, we gave it to Stuart, his face when he ate it was priceless, his breath stank for a week, I think he's still mad at us... Someone interrupted my thought by knocking the door.

Can we come in?" I knew it was Dylan, I got up and faked a smile, I didn't know if I was happy or sad at the moment.

"Sure, come in." Dylan and Stuart came inside my room. Stuart messed up my hair and Dylan sat next to me.

"Hi" They both said at the same time, Dylan was wearing a black shirt with a black hoodie, some jeans and purple Nike shoes, instead of having the purple cap his mum gave to him last year he had a cute hat that looked like a wolf's head, Stuart was wearing a white shirt and on top of that and unbuttoned blue, white and gray sweater, brown shoes, a brown beanie and his glasses.

"Hi Dyl, hello Mr. obnoxious"

"What are you doing beautiful?" I smiled

"Just thinking."

"About?" Stuart questioned

"Nothing of your business." As I said that I heard someone screaming,"Now what?" I sighed.

"You little shit!" Oh wow. I went out of my room with Dylan and Stuart following behind, Jenna was trying to hit James with a stick... Oh god, a stick!

"Jenna put that stick down!" Dylan bit his lip trying not to laugh. "He's not a bloody piñata"

She put the stick down. I turned around and saw Jonah standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

"What is going on? I'm trying to read a book!" (me)

"I'm sorry Jon but your annoying brother here pranked Jenna" I got interrupted by Jade

"Again" she said smirking, I rolled my eyes.

I looked down to my wrist watch to discover it was time to go to school.

"Hey Jon can you wake up Josh, he sleeps like a bear and it's time to go to school"

"Sure thing"


Josh got up at 7:30, which meant we were late and thanks to the problem we had later we did not eat breakfast.

"Dylan!" shouted Stuart "Hurry up mate." we were already at school but we could not find a place to park the jeep.

When we finnaly found a place it was already 7:40, we only had 4 minutes left before school started.

Dylan, Stuart and I ran down the hallway trying to find the Spanish classroom, I turned around to look at Dylan and saw how Stuart made him fall to the floor.

"Stuart, it's not time to be a baby, help me get Dylan up or we will have to go to detention and you won't be able to take your girlfriend on a date"

"Like if I had a girlfriend" he mumbled, I chuckled.

We helped Dylan to get up and found the Spanish classroom.

We entered and for our surprise the teacher wasn't there yet, maybe she turned into a cat like McGonagall and will suddenly appear and give us detention.

I have to stop hanging out with Annabeth.

We sat down in our benches and started talking.

"It was hilarious when Jen was trying to hit James with that stick and you were like 'He's not a bloody piñata!'" He said the last part in a girly voice and started laughing, his laugh is contagious so I joined him.

The teacher, Mrs. Mills came inside the classroom.

"Good morning class" she said "Today we are going to learn about..." before she could finished I stopped paying attention, took out my phone and started reading fanfiction about Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone when I remembered I forgot to do my homework, oops. I got closer to Stuart and made a puppy dog face, he turned around to face me and asked..

"You didn't do your homework, did you?"

"Yes... um no, please help me"

"I won't, you should think twice before watching Supernatural instead of doing homework." I whined

"I prefer to see Dean's face than a notebook full of math problems" he smirked at my response "Just ask Dylan, I'm pretty sure he would do any thing for you." he teased "Fineeee" I said dragging the "e".


Sorry it's too short but I wanted to make next chapter longer so I prefered to make this one shorter so I can update tomorrow, I have good news btw, on Saturday my parents left me home while they went to the theater with my brother and his girlfirend so in that time I wrote 'till chapter 20!

I don't know what else to say so.. goodbye!

~Sarah xoxo

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