Chapter 17:Amnesia

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"You need to continue packing, we leave tomorrow." My mom said as she sat down on my bed , I had been locked on my room for almost the whole day, I haven't seen Jess or any of my friends in two days, I was stuck in my house packing.

"I already did." I wanted to see her soon so I really had to hurry up and finish packing.

I took out my phone and sent Jess a quick message.

Are you busy?

She responded almost immediately.

No, not really.

"I'm going to Jessica's house, I'll be back later."I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before grabbing a beanie and putting it over my messy hair.

I was excited to see her again, I probably sound like a clingy boyfriend but since we were little we used to do everything together, we ate lunch together, we played together and if we wanted to ditch school we would do it together, we got so attached to each other as we grew up and now it was time to say goodbye.

I parked my car in front of her house, my hands were sweating as they did when I was nervous, I was nervous of seeing my own girlfriend.

I knocked on the door waiting patiently for the door to be opened, after a short while her dad, Luke, opened the door and welcomed me in.

"Dylan, it's nice to see you again, how's everything going?" I smiled at him halfheartedly, I wasn't happy or excited and certainly nothing was good.

"Everything is good Luke, thanks for asking." he smiled back, "Jessica's in her room."

My feet went upstairs as slowly as possible, after she came back from London a few days ago we talked about me moving, she started crying like she did the day I told her, it pained me to see her like this.

The door to her room was completely open, she was sitting on her bed, , with a messy bun on top of her head, she had one of my hoodies on and some black leggings, she was holding a guitar, her fingers were strumming the strings of it delicately, making a beautiful melody, her soft voice accompanying it as a few sobs escaped her mouth.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia
And forget about the stupid little things
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you...

(Let's just pretend she wrote it.)

I could hear her quiet sobs as she continued strumming her guitar and singing softly, her angelic voice was drowned in emotions, you could hear the pain in Jessica's voice, she looked heartbroken and lost, it was something no one got to see very often, not even me, Jessica was a strong girl that had lived many bad things but she remained strong and that was what I loved about her.

I knocked on the door , "Hey baby." I smiled as she turned at me, she looked absolutely gorgeous, her pout turned into a smile once her blue eyes met mine.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered "I missed you."

"I missed you too beautiful." Jessica gave me a quick peck on the lips.

My eyes were starting to water, I couldn't live without her, we were always together for everything and now it was going to be different, we wouldn't be able to see each other every single day, hug each other, I won't be able to be there for her when she has a breakdown late at night, or when she feels the need to talk to someone, that person wasn't going to be me and that broke my heart, she had me wrapped around her finger.

"You know, I'll really miss that beautiful face of yours."That's when we both lost it , hot tears were running down my face as her grip on me tightened, "I love you so damn much O'Brien."

"I could say the same Smith." Jess looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers, there were so many things that made me fall in love with her 8 years ago, like the way her eyes closed everytime she laughed or how she never stopped being herself, in all these years I've known her she's been the same exact person.

I smiled softly and wiped away her tears with my thumb, "There's no need to cry baby, everything will be fine, I'm still here, I don't want to see you crying, okay?"

Jess nodded and smiled, after what felt like a long time we broke the hug, she took my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

How was I going to live without her?


It's been a while since I updated this and I'm really sorry but I'm not really having a good time, with homework and exams I can barely sleep, I had a problem like 3 weeks ago, my mood wasn't the best, but here I am, I really missed writing this.

Also I really miss my best friend, he's on a different school and it hasn't been the same, no one understands my obsession over bands and YouTube better than he does.

My mother had a meeting with the principal and I was freaking the f*ck out, but thankfully I'm a 'great' student.

So yeah this week has been good, I've been sleeping better and today I didn't have classes so I slept in and wrote this for you.

Love yooooouuu!


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