Hide, a phantom, some poison and a ghoul

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Yo, I wrote this in like an hour. I was gonna write more until I actually introduced Kaneki but im a mean ol' ace. Hes gonna be first up in the next chapter though. Please kudos and comment because this is my first tokyo ghoul fanfic i need the support. Just a warning this is un beta'd. I'm going to edit the chapters before i post the next one so i forget the plot and what i wrote so i can detect spelling errors sooner


Shout out to NytAhwuhl over on fanfiction.net for helping me spot some grammar mistakes


Hide rarely noticed the time when he was working. He was always in a constant surprise when his professor or a classmate would tell him to leave; and it appears today was no exception. "Hey!" The voice of his classmate Nishiki calls out. He sounds slightly annoyed with Hide, but really that was nothing new; Hide could get a bit eccentric at times. "You gotta leave. Now!"

"Just another hour or two, I'll be out by then."

"No Nagachika. Get out and go home."

Hide groans, but he knows he won't win this fight. Bitterly he sweeps up his mess of notes randomly into a folder and tucks away his multiple ghoul books into his backpack before lazily slinging it on himself. Nishiki nods to himself in approval as Hide drags himself out the classroom and stretches. "I'm so close to a cure." He tells to no one in particular. Nishiki's hand twitches on the handle, but he remains impassive at Hide's comment. Hide already knows Nishiki's a ghoul; Hell he knows who every ghoul is in the class. You don't just spend years of your life reading about the make up of ghouls and not learn how to pick up the biological signs. It's not like he's going to tell them that though, he'd probably end up on the 11pm missing persons report. For now he was a nuisance, but a tolerable nuisance.

"Oi Nagachika, head home. You don't know when a ghoul could strike you know." There was a small, almost invisible, predatory smile to Nishiki that any other person would have missed; but Hide wasn't just any other person now was he?

"Right, I hear ya loud and clear! Go straight home! Got it! Will do!" Hide waves off with the usual dazzling smile he does when he wants people to think he's an idiot. Nishiki rolls his neck side to side, Hide can tell his suspicions lowered now, and the two head off in opposite directions home. Nishiki to his girlfriend and Hide to his instant noodles and research.

Hide's walk home is uneventful. He knows where ghouls are likely to strike and when. The most dangerous part of his walk home was the stretch between the bushes and his apartment door. Even then he was still in no danger.

Unlocking the door he turns on the lights and flings his bag on his bed and his folder onto his desk as he walks into his kitchen to pull out another night's worth of instant noodles. He walks over to his old stove kettle and fills it with tap-hot water before placing it over the stove to heat up further. The few minutes he has while waiting for the water to boil are the only few minutes he allows for himself to just relax. He leans back against a bench and sighs, flinging his neck back and feeling the muscles stretch. Another content sigh slips out as he enjoys this moment of pure tranquillity. He thinks during this time. He thinks about things he'd rather be doing, like playing video games and watching horror movies. He thinks about why he's so invested in his research; and he thinks about why he's desperate for a phantom of his dreams to come home when he doesn't even know who this phantom is.

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