Hide and the Stink bug

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This hasn't been edited past spell check but i'll fix it tomorrow, It's 11:30 pm and I wanna read other peoples fanfiction lmao. Its also the longest chapter I've ever written so I hope it doesn't ramble. There is some OcxOc in this chapter bt its for character development of the ocs. There will be stuff like this featuring Hide and Kaneki later on so don't worry, this is a hidekane fanfic after all. This is an unbeta'd work. Please comment and Kudos. Also thank you for the over whelming support of the first chapter. You are the best!


The clank of chains. "What's a thousand minus seven?" The feeling of a needle. "What's a thousand minus seven?" Pain in his fingers. Pain in his toes. Pain in his head. He's Helpless. He's at the mercy of another. "Tell me what's a thousand minus seven." Crack! Crack! Crawl! Crack! Crack! Crawl!

"N-n-nine hundred and ninety t-three."

Violently Kaneki is awakened by an intruding sound. He clenches and digs his blackened nails into the skin around his heart; trying to force it's erratic beating to still for the moment. His olive eyes narrow as they scan the blinding white room for a threat. None; unless a ringing cellphone can be counted as such.

He reaches out and curls his fingers around the ancient flip phone and peers at the caller ID.


He almost breaks the neck of his phone with the speed and force he opens it with.


Anteiku closed as usual that day, save for Hide working for most of the day on his research. Touka had been making faces towards him and whispering to Nishiki all day. Hide presumed they were talking about him considering how often they would glance back towards his direction then look away quickly as he looked back up. The other ghouls of Anteiku seemed to not be bothered by his presence at all, acting as if he wasn't really there to begin with.

At the moment for Hide he had been tricked by a young ghoul named Hinami into explaining his research. His one weakness! He was currently in the middle of a simplified lecture on the structural differences of ghouls and humans before Hinami's excited gasp stopped him.

"That's so cool brother!" She had for the past hour been referring to Hide as her older brother despite not knowing his last name. Ah the innocence of youth! "Does that mean you can tell whose a ghoul and who isn't by looking at them?"

"Yep, I can tell most of the time who is a ghoul and who isn't?"

"Oh really?"


"Prove it!"

"I know your a ghoul Hinami." Hide flashes her a reassuring smile as a look of worry crosses her face and he taps her nose once. She blinks and rubs her nose as she looks up at Hide with confused little brown eyes. "Shame on you Hinami, I wouldn't dare rat out a friend to the CCG." Hide raises his voice so the two whispering ghouls can hear. Touka glares before turning around and Nishiki just hisses a little before announcing he's going home, and leaving for the night. More specifically he growled out to the room, "I'm leaving before that stink bug gets here."

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