Chapter 1 Cannibalism

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Jess POV

"Hey guys!"
Jenny and Jasmine greet me, before we continue on our merry way.
As we we walk, we start to make up stories, before somebody brings up the Human Centipede.


You heard us right.

The Human Centipede.

Eventually, because of our apparently twisted, sick minds, we end up creating a very disturbing fanfiction about our very own characters in the Human Centipede world. Excluding details, let's just say our story was published on Wattpad, and a certain prime minister accidentally came by it.

...And was horrified enough, that we were kicked out of Australia and exiled to a strange desert.

And here we are now, in the desert, and Jenny and I fainted from the intense heatwave. There is no one around to help us, we are stuck and abandoned in isolation. Suddenly, Jasmine reveals herself to be a cannibal, but we have no more strength in us to do anything. We just lay there drowning in misery.

Jasmine eyed us hungrily, and licked her lips. 'Please,' I croaked out. 'Don't... do... this...' Our ex-friend now looks at us with hunger and lust in her eyes. I don't recognise her anymore, she looks like a ravenous beast waiting to pounce on her prey. Jenny doesn't move, and I have a heart attack just thinking that she might be dead already. 'Jenny!' I manage to splutter out. I reach out for her but Jasmine just kicks her body away and sneers at me. 'She's dead!'

Jasmine cackles. 'You can't do anything, it's just you and me.' I trembled in fear and pleaded. 'Jasmine stop! Stop-!' Too late. Jasmine pounces on me and her sharp teeth sink into my neck. Darkness takes over my world as the sharp pain is the last thing I feel before I leave the earth.

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