Chapter 4 Evil Flesh-Eating Witches

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Jess's POV

"Water, water everywhere! Water, water-"

"SHUT UP!" Jasmine roars at me from across the cave. I sheepishly looked at the ground. I guess you could say Jasmine did that on a regular basis, telling everyone to either go away or shush. She isn't a Leo for nothing.

Jenny walked up to me and sighed, for the tenth time that day. She slumped down on the wall next to me and putting her face in her hands, she groaned as if she just failed a maths test. "We've been stuck in this damn cave for 3 days already, we have to do something! Everyone is going nuts, Jess. Jasmine is on one of her crazy mood swings again, I'm frustrated and upset at our situation and you're..."

I plaster a silly grin on my face and giggle childishly. "Nevermind." Jenny inwardly face palms herself. "But I do see your point though." I say. "There's nothing we can really do, we should be thankful we have at least water and food."

"You mean those disgusting roots?"

"Well, yeah. But at least we have something to eat!"

"Honestly, Jess."

The day slowly passed as the heat finally died out, replaced with the biting cold air and harsh winds that even our comfy cave couldn't reflect. I shivered in the corner of cave, goosebumps appearing all over my arms and legs. I tossed and turned but nothing did wonders to ease the cold that overwhelmed me that night.

It was about midnight when Jas spoke up. "You guys still awake?" She whispered. "Yeah," I whispered back. "It's so cold, I can hardly feel my toes." The both of us kept quiet and didn't utter a sound for what seemed like eternity, Jenny's loud snores filling the air and penetrating the eerie silence. A few minutes later, just when sleep got the best of us, we heard a loud whirring, mechanical sound that woke everyone up, including Jenny who is the deepest sleeper you'll ever meet.

"What the-" Jenny sat up, her eyes the shape of watermelons and her hair all sticking up in weird angles. She looked around frantically for the noise, and suddenly noticed a light shining outside our cave. A bright purple beam was focused right outside where we were living for the past 3 days, circling around the entrance as if a giant was shining a flashlight looking for a lost object. Just as I was about to get up, Jasmine immediately shouted in panic. "No one move!" She whispered quickly.

I froze in my spot, my eyes still transfixed on the purple beam illuminating everyone and everything.

"But what if aliens are trying to attack us-"

"Exactly, so don't move! Do you want to die?"

"Well, we were stuck in the desert for three days already, we should've died so what's the point?"

"You bum hole, we had water and food! If we are going to escape, shut up because I bet you that the thing outside this very cave is looking for us."

We all stayed silent, Jasmine's words still echoing and bouncing through my head. What if we were to die? I don't want to die tonight! I was too young, too-

Suddenly, the weird whirring sound stopped and the air became cold and silent. "What the-" Jasmine shot me a death glare and imitated a zipper running through her lips. She got up cautiously, being the pack leader she is, and tiptoed to the mouth of the cave. As she dipped her head to look outside, she let out a very loud gasp that grasped our attentions. "Holy bucket-"

I scrambled up, not caring if I looked like a baboon and bolted outside. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped to the floor as I looked at what was standing in front of me. Standing 10 feet tall was a large, circular contraption with a misty purple light swirling on the inside. It looked vaguely like a time machine that you would find in Dr Who or some other science fiction novel. But right now, my mind was focused on how that giant ass thing got here, and what was behind the machine?

Jenny was the last to come out, and immediately doubled over at the sight. "WHAT THE-" She choked on her own words as she took in what she was seeing. "Yeah we know, how did that thing get here? What is it? We are all confused as you are." Jasmine drawled. "Should we... Go through it? It looks like some sort of time machine." I say. All three of us are thinking and being drowned in our own thoughts. Everything has been so confusing lately, first Jasmine being a psycho cannibal, all three of us having superpowers and now a time machine that just magically appeared!

Yep, it has been confirmed. The world has come to an end and everything has gone psycho.

Jenny gasped. "I don't know, we can't see what's on the other side! What if there's a lion waiting to attack us? Or some evil witch that wants to eat us? Or-" Jasmine slapped a hand over Jenny's large mouth muffling her slur of words. She tried to swat her hand away, but Jasmine was too strong.

"Guys," I say seriously. They both look at me and stop fighting, hands in midair and their hair all over the place looking messy and untamed. Sigh. This is where mama Jess steps in, ladies and gentlemen.

"Stop fighting, we honestly have to consider out situation very critically. We've been stuck in the desert for 3 days already, no humans or animals around for miles and for all we know, this time machine thing could lead us out of here! It's our only chance, and to skip this opportunity would mean that we could be stuck here for I don't know, the rest of our lives!" I threw my hands up in exasperation.

I could see both Jenny and Jasmine trying to figure out what I had said  when Jasmine comes up with a new idea. "I think that one of us goes in first, just so we know its safe. Otherwise if we all go in, we might get killed! Who's going through?"

I folded my arms and smirked. "Well since you suggested that idea, you go." She opened her mouth to protest but quickly shut it. "Fine." She spat. "If I die, you owe me one."

"Whatever you saaaay!" Jenny sung. "Oh, and if you die, we will make sure to invite Jamie Campbell Bower to your funeral, IF we do make it alive." At that thought, Jasmine sighed dreamily and didn't hesitate to stick her arm through the swirling, transparent purple light. "Jamie Campbell Bower babe, I'm coming for ya! " jas said in a Luna love good voice. She stuck a leg through, and before long she jumped through the portal and disappeared.

A few minutes passed.

"Jess, do you think that there is an evil witch on the other side wanting to eat us?" Jenny chewed on her fingertips, terrified at the prospect of jumping through. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly, but in reality, I was just as mortified as any other human being would be. What if Jasmine did get eaten by some carnivorous witch?

"I say we jump through!" I proclaim with a finger pointed to the sky for effect. "We must save her from the evil witch!"

"B-but, what if we get eaten as well?" Jenny wailed. My thoughts shifted to an ugly witch with a wart sprouting on her nose, her yellow crooked teeth sinking into my flesh. Don't think of that now! That's disgusting!

"Well we- we..." My mind came up blank. What do we do once we encounter the witch? I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "We kick her in the nuts!"

Cue awkward cricket noises.

"WHAT?" Jenny exclaimed, as an incredulous look came over her face. She's going to bash me for this. I held up my arms in defense, prepared for the blow that was to come, but...


I opened my eyes and expected her to hit me for such a crazy and stupid idea, but instead sparkles and tears filled Jenny's eyes as she clasped her hands together adoringly. "THAT IS THE BEST IDEA IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE MY LIFE ADVISOR!"

She screeched so loud that I swear my eardrums just popped. She jumped up and down and ran over to engulf me in vice-like grip that almost snapped me in two. "Geez woman. Calm down, I thought you were going to kill me." I breathed out. "Kill you? Why would I do that?"

I sighed. Is Jenny secretly bi-polar? "Nevermind."

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