Ten Commandments of Writing

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1.Thou shall not copy others work and claim it as their own (give credit)

2.Delete all hate comments: Why would you keep hate?

3.Be thy self:  Write about what you want to write as long as it legal, nothing stopping you but you

4.Use Correct Grammar: I know you have or had grammar class you might as well use it to your advantage

5.Just Keep Typing, Just Keep Typing, Just Keep Typing, Typing, Typing: If you're in a funk try some new ideas do anything you can to spice it up. Don't just delete the book.

6.JUST DELETE THE DARN BOOK!!!!!: I know what your thinking you just said to Just Keep Typing but there is a exception to the rule. If you tried everything you do to spice up the book just stop, BUT make sure you ask the readers if they want to continue the story or series. Don't just leave it up there on Wattpad, delete the book, don't make the reader spend years waiting for your update.

7. DON'T CHANGE THE CHARACTERS UNLESS IT LINES UP WITH YOUR STORY (fanfiction golden rule): This might be pointed towards fanfiction but it goes for any book. DON'T CHANGE THE CHARACTERS!!!! DON'T DO IT!!! DON'T YOU DO IT!!!

8.Don't make a character that's not relatable: Everybody likes a character to be relatable to themselves so they can relate to them and find them more likeable. But at the same time don't make them all the same. There have to have there character traits, habits, likes/dislikes...ect.

9.No Stereotypes: If you want reads then your character can't be just stereotypes they have to be people and we all know stereotypes aren't real. (I'm black but I don't even like fried chicken that much *gasp noise*)  They have to be characters not myths (unless your doing Greek mythology)

10. Give The Characters A Balanced Amount Of Lines: Don't just give one character a lot (unless there a chatterbox) and don't make a character talk only a little bit (unless there the quiet type) this is one of the hardest commandment but I believe in you guys.

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