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Dear _____
Another troubling day at school and it wasn't so fun Tucker was very mad today because Sonja got sick and she had to stay home, he yelled at me when I asked where Sonja was I shut my mouth from that now on because I was scared when Tucker is mad he's mad and only Sonja and Tom can calm him down in pretty useless.

I feel useless Sonja tries and cheers me up and I act like she did but really I feel so damn useless inside.
Why can't I do anything right?
Probably because I should be Tucker's punching bag....I bet he would love me as a bunching bag.

I don't feel so jolly I wish I could tho I mean happy is a good feeling but a better feeling is feeling safe because then I don't have to worry about having to be scared almost 24/7.

Oh well at least I am still alive and if I wasn't alive I wouldn't have video games or YouTube or even some internet friends like I still talk to Sky I heard he has a girlfriend!
(There in high school so for now Adam has a girl friend not a wife and child yet)
Oh! I think I hear Adam skypeing me haha got to go SketchDiary!!
To the best of my wishes ~CS

I hurry to Skype so I can talk to Adam and the others "hey guys!" I smile and they smile back "hey Jordan!!" Adam and some others reply "oh Jordan this is some of my friends I was talking about you to them this is Jin" a guy with black hair he looked nice also nerdy "then this is Ross the sloth!" Adam pointed to a boy with curly hair "I'm not a sloth" I giggle "this is Barney" he points to a guy who had a Barney jacket on and the hood up "hi" he had a thick accent "then this is my girlfriend" she had bluish hair (I love her hair color ;-;) and she has a nice smile on her face.

"Hello there" she says I smile and say "hello" we start to talk for a long while until Adam started 20 questions "so Jordan how is it like in your new school" Adam questions "it's a pain everyone is so darude there!" They laugh "man wish you can go back to our school we miss you and Ross has been taking up lesion on red stone" I looks at Ross he looks so happy to see a fellow red stoner.

Go on and on Ross talking to me about red stone and Jin ask if about video games and Barney making side comments and then Adam and Alesa asking questions.

To bad we had to go we did have the same times but that means we both gonna go to bed around 10 but we kinda stayed up until 11 haha they make me smile wish I could be there with them.

I hope you enjoyed sometimes these pages are kinda basted on my life like this one I have some internet friends and I wish I could be with them they make me smile very much!

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