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It's 5:00 p.m, OMG 8 fucking hours In the airplane and the flight lasts an hour more...but...wait...oh god, I forgot It's 5:00 p.m In London, but In California?

- Dad which is the time difference between London and California?

- Humm...9 hours I think

- So...We arrive there at 9 :00 a.m no?

It's cool I think, because I have like "two mornings" ? I don't know If this Is cool...Well...What can I do? I'm bored, this 9 hours in The airplane are killing me! And then, In California...I don't have friends, oh hell It's horrible!!

- Ava! Ava!

- What do you want Thomas?!

- Calm! Calm! What is this?

- "this" what?

- This paper, In your trousers

- Oh, this? Eem It's a list Of plazes to visit In LA

- yes..."list"

OMG! Dylan's lettre I forgot it! Should I read it now? No, he said In California...but I'm near very near...I'll wait

- Ava! Hello? Ava! Wake Up! We just arrived in LA.

- Whaa...what?

- Yeah, come on.

We are In The airport, waiting for our baggs when I see a boy, with a medium, straight and blonde hair...and he starts to walk to the door with his bags, and next to him is other boy with The same amazing hair, a girl, blonde too, and 2 boys but they have brown hair. I can see a man and a woman, both blonde too, maybe The parents.

- Ava, come on, your bags are there.

I get my bags when my mom asks:

- What do you think to go to a coffee?

- No, mom, I prefer go now to "house"

- Oh, okay.

We take a taxi, and I see the blonde boy, he's very cute, but I don't care, maybe is The last time I see him... 35 minutes then, I'm In front of our new house.

-It's... amazing

- Ha! I told you that Is very cool!

- Yes

*In The living room*

- Okay, Ava, Thomas, listen. There's 3 bedrooms, The Big Bedroom have a bathroom

- I want It! -screams my brother- I want It!

- No Thomas! This Bedroom Is for your mom and me. But there's a Bedroom next to The bathroom and other next to the living room...Who wants the Bedroom next to The Living room?

- Which One is bigger?

My mom looks to me and whispers " living room" so I run to my future bedroom.

When I open The door, I can see a big, big bedroom. It's amazing like The house, I love It. Maybe live In California is cool.

I'm sorry If I wrote something wrong, I'm from Spain and here people don't speak English. If I wrote something wrong comment It please :) I'll like to have a perfect English one Day! Although, you can comment If you like or no my history too. Thank you for read It and make sure that you Follow me on instagram ( @im_mini_rydel_) xx

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