Labrador Street- Part 2

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- That's a cool dress!!

- Oh...yeah thank you...- Oh my god, the blond girl is talking to me...what should I do?- Rydel, no?

- Yeah, how Did you know It?

- I heard you talk with your mother hahaha.

- Oups, hahaah...Do you live near?

- Yes, in La-...

- Ava, come on! Dad Is calling us!

-Sorry, Rydel byyee

-Bye Ava!!

* At The car*

-Who was this girl?

- I don't know...I just meet her at the shop. Mom, Dad, where are se going?

- Just wait Ava, you will like this.

When my mom turned off The car //( Can I say "turned off the car? If there's other way, or Someone know the right way please comment it thank you)// my dad opened The car's door, and went to the big and white house In front of us. My dad knocks on the door and when It opens, there's a boy. He seems tall and cute, but I can't see very well his face, but suddenly I sed that he's giving to my dad a box with holes at The sides of It...the typical box where you put a animal... I see my dad running to the car, but the boy doesn't close The door and he has again the box with him.

- Ava,Luke, Darling, come on!

- Again, we're we going?

- To my friend's house, I wanna introduce you some friends.

- Pff ok.

When I'm front of the door, my dad introduces me the boy:

-Ava, he's Ellington. He's the son of my old friend Cheryl. Ellington,Ava. Ava, Ellington.

- Nice to meet you Ava haha.

- Nice to meet you too.

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