0.0 - meeting

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My day started out as it normally would; do my morning routine and then head to Starbucks for breakfast. Today however, Starbucks was quite a bit different...

Once I arrived, I took notice of quite a few people milling around the entrance; phones in hand, cameras ready. Okay, that's strange– is there someone famous inside? Well, this is London, so anything is possible. I casually strolled by the group, many of them wearing identical blue sweaters. Definitely merch of some kind, I assume at least.

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get started for you today?"

"Just a tall cotton candy frappuccino please." I reply, smiling.

I pay for the drink and stand off to the side to wait for it. I shift my gaze toward the window, feeling the hungry stares emanating from the group standing outside. Yeah, that's just weird...

"One cotton candy frappuccino for Shelby!" The barista yells out. I pick up my drink, muttering a quick thank you. Now, to go to my usual table in the corner.

As I walked over to the table, my brown eyes met a pair of blue ones– just as quickly as we looked at each other, he looked away. Huh, he looks kind of familiar... I can't put my finger on it though. I peel my eyes away, continuing my walk to the table and plop down in the seat–instantly pulling out my phone to check Twitter. Just as if the universe itself was trying to call me stupid, a picture was at the top of my timeline–a picture of the guy I just locked eyes with. I've heard stories of people meeting a celebrity and only noticing after that it was them; but I never thought I would become one of those people.

I look up from my phone, glancing over at where he was sitting–or, supposed to be sitting. Only, to my dismay, he's no longer there. I sigh, feeling a bit dejected at the lost opportunity of speaking to one of my favorite youtubers.

"Hey." A voice broke me out of my thoughts, my head snapping toward the source of the voice.

This can't be happening. Sitting in front of me is none other than Harry Lewis, someone who has been a huge part of my life for so long–yes, I know that sounds cliche.

My face flushed, my breath hitching in my chest. "Hi."

"This is going to sound strange, but I feel like I know you from somewhere." Harry speaks, giving me a small smile.

"You do?" I ask in disbelief. There's no way this man just said that.

He chuckles. "Yeah. Another weird question; do you know the group The Pack?"

Ah, he must have known me from my brother–Rob.

"Yes, actually. Rob is my brother, so I'm assuming I seem familiar because of him," I smile. "Also, not as weird of a question as you think."

He smiles in response. "Good to know I wasn't going crazy."

"Well, I have a weird question for you then."

"Alright, ask away." He responds, resting his head on his hand.

"You're a part of the Sidemen, right? Harry, I believe?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"Guilty as charged."

I grin at him, my eyebrows raising slightly. I honestly can't believe that I'm speaking to him right now. Despite being Rob's sister, I've never met any of the Sidemen in person—well, besides Vikk.

"I'm Shelby, by the way."

"Harry, but you already knew that," He chuckles, as do I. "I have an idea, if you'd be up for it."

I raise an eyebrow. "Go for it."

"The guys and I are going to be filming a crossbar challenge tomorrow, if you'd like to join us." Harry speaks, a glimmer of an emotion I can't explain present in his eyes.

"I would love to."

"Awesome. Here, pass me your phone," I do just that. I watch as he puts his number into my contacts. After he's finished typing in the numbers, he passes it back to me. "Text me, yeah?"

I nod, giving him a small grin. The tips of my ears are red, I can just feel it. Calm down, Shelby–you have a boyfriend.

Just as quickly as that began, it ended. I watch as he walks out of the Starbucks, giving me a small wave goodbye. As soon as he's out of eyesight–which took quite a while due to the still present group waiting outside for him–, I put my head in my hands. I glance to my left, taking note of my undrank frappuccino. Damn it, I'll just take it to go. 

My Blue Jumper Baby {Wroetoshaw}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin