Chapter 20

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(Ashely's Pov)

First things first, the wedding is tomorrow. And it's been a long bumpy road but thankfully we can all relax. All the planning is done. All the decorating is done. And last but not least my dress is hiding at CC's place (pic in the media/side thingy majig) I am so happy but at the same time nervous because what if something goes wrong? What if someone doesn't want us to get married and they appose it? So many things can go wrong in such little time and, I don't want it too. After everything we've been through, I want to make sure everything is just right. I'm not going over the top on anything like most women crazed with making weddings perfect.

Luke went out with his friends for his bachelor party. Mine's later tonight and I told everyone to dress in their PJ's because we are going to have a night in. Movie's, martinis and pizza. CC was over helping me set everything up and get all the things we needed.

"How nervous are you from a scale from ten to ten" She said smiling at me

"Eleven" I said sticking my tongue out at her. "You do know it's supposed to be one to ten right?"

"Nooo" She said sarcastically.


Everyone was here, and by everyone I mean like ten people. We all agreed on watching Mean Girls and Inside Out. I mean I know we're adults and all but that doesn't mean we can't like kids movies. We had treats spread out all over the tables but hey who said you can't binge before a wedding, even though most people wouldn't.

CC was hoarding half the food by hugging it to herself. Not that anyone cared though they just laughed it off and zoned back into the movie. And me? Well I fell into my thoughts. No words can explain how I feel. Happy and scared. Excited yet nervous. But over all just amazed that the day is finally spin us. I never thought that I would get married, a constant thought that was engraved into my brain when I was younger. It's hard to imagine how long ago I though that.


Everyone was gone by one am, everyone one except CC and Ali. They where kind enough to help me clean everything up.

"Do you know when Luke is going to be home?" CC asked. I shook my head

"Hopefully sooner than later"

"I hope he's not drunk because a hangover would suck for the wedding" Ali said picking up the rest of the garage on the table. And if on cue Luke and Michael came through the door.

"Heyyy" Michael slurred grabbing on to the wall. Luke looked like he was tipsy but no where near as bad as Michael. CC snickered as she went to go help Michael.

"Ali can you help her get him into the spare room? He'd be safer if he stayed here" I said nodding towards the direction of the room. Luke walked towards the kitchen, tripping over his feet. "Luke, you okay?"

"Yep. Perfectly a banana" Laugher poured out of me.

"Perfectly a-a ban-banana?"

"What?" He said pouting.

"Oh! I'm sorry Luke! It was just funny" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"What funny about being a banana?" I shook my head with a smile on my face. I don't even care that he came home drunk. I helped him into our room.

"I'm going to go check on Michael okay?"

"Okay. But then we can snuggle right?"

"Yes then we can snuggle" I walked over to the spare room to see Michael wrapped up in the blankets on the floor. CC and Ali left as soon as they got him to bed so I had to deal with the boys. By the looks of it Michael isn't going to wake up. I put pillows under his head and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Ashely?" Luke walked into the room yawning.

"Luke! I thought you where in bed?" I whispered.

"I was but I missed you" I smiled and went back to our room with him.

"Okay Luke now we can snuggle" We got into bed and he instantly pulled me towards him. I hope he doesn't have a hangover in the morning.

Hey guys. I'm honestly so sorry I haven't updated for a long time. A thousand sorrys wouldn't even make me feel better about it. Writer block really hit me hard and I also work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays so I'm fairly busy. There is going to be one more chapter in this book then an epilogue. Sorry about the short notice for that.

Love you guys,

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