being honest with Bella

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I didn't care if I was still healing or how sore I was angry and upset. I felt like everything in my life was a lie. That Edward lied to just too. "UUGGGHHH!" I went to go punch a tree but something caught my fist. "OUUCCHH!" I looked to see Edward had my fist in his hand.

"For still being weak you still can hit hard damn." I pulled my hand away. "Good! I need to know was it all a lie Edward?" He arched an eyebrow in confusion. "Was what a lie?"He asked. "Us? The way you said you felt about me?" I started to pace. "I mean you always believed her over me. She always found a way in between us. I mean come on why would she be sending those text if they weren't true." All of a sudden I felt Edward stop me. "Would you stop so I can answer you." I looked into his eyes. "For one no it was not a lie and it still isn't a lie. God Bella!" He paused and looked away.

"I love you with everything in me. When you were in the coma I never left except to tend to our daughter. Yes I went to school but when Tanya said our daughter more or less was a mistake. But my daughter is everything to me. She was made out of our love. Even though it was one night but that was the best night of my life and I would not change that for anything in this world." I was speechless at was he was saying to me. Tears we're falling from my eyes.

"God Bella when your heart stopped that night and our daughter was screaming out for you my heart was breaking. I felt like someone ripped my heart that night. I knew I couldn't lose you our daughter couldn't lose there. And Tanya is trying to split us up that's all. She just trying to get to me. Hell she doesn't even know you came out of the coma. Bella I'm so afraid of losing you that I pushed you away in the first place. I'm so sorry I made you scared of me. I should of told of that a long time ago but I was scared to." Edward was turned away from me. "You were scared to. That's funny coming from you. Edward you are the most strongest person I know."

"That's where you're wrong Bella. Yeah I may be a man but I always hid my weakness. Until you came into my life over a year ago. Bella you were what gives me my strength and courage. Watching you and all you do. You're the one that's been strong all along." I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his arm.

He turned around and I saw tears falling from his eyes. I gently take my hand and wipe his tears away. He leaned into my touch. I stepped closer to him. He took both his hands gently and cupped both sides of my face. "Your everything to me Bella. I'd be lost without you."

"As I be lost without you Edward." With that he pressed his lips to mine and I felt that Electrical shock through my body. He traced my lips with his tongue asking for permission and I granted him. I wrap my arms around his neck and gently pull his hair. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and deepens the kiss.


We pull apart and I leaned my forehead against Bella's. "How about I shut my phone off and I get a new phone?" I asked Bella. "Not unless I can tell Tanya off first." I start laughing. "I think I will just let you do that. Will it make you feel better?" I asked her. "Uh huh! I feel more better if I just kicked her ass but I be more happier if you just kissed me again."  I laughed and pressed my lips to hers again. It felt so good to kiss her again. It felt right. She sent electrical shocks through my body. Not the bad kind, the good  kind. We pulled away breathless. I leaned against her forehead again. "You are the best thing that's ever happen to me Bella."

"You are to Edward. So is our daughter. No matter what Tanya says Rebecca was never a mistake and never will be. If you think about it Edward she was a miracle child. As sick as I was she survived and beat the odds." She told me. "You know you're right, she is. I never thought of it. But she is our little miracle." I said. "Speaking of which why don't we get back to our little miracle. Want a piggy back ride?" A smile grew on her face and she nodded. I kneeled down and Bella climbed on my back. The next few days have been fun. We been hiking and fishing I even climbed a tree and Bella and Rebecca just laughed.

Today we we're going to go 4×4 down some back roads. Bella and I  were arguing at who was going to drive. "Edward I do have experience at this." She told me. "Bella you're suppose to be resting." Bella took steps in front of me and I knew she was angry now. "EDWARD ANTHONY MASON CULLEN YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SO DAMN OVERPROTECTIVE. I'M NOT GOING TO STAY IN BED 24/7 JUST TO BE WAITED ON ALL THE GODDAMN TIME. NOW ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE ME THE KEYS OR AM I GOING TO HAVE TO FIGHT YOU FOR THEM?" I stood there frozen while Bella held her hand out. "Goo goo!" I turned and looked at Rebecca in my arm and she was grinning.

"Seriously, you're taking your mom side?" Rebecca giggled. "Alright I surrender. 2 against one 1 here." I shake my head and chuckle. I gave Bella the keys and she gave me an evil grin.  "Oh no, what did I get myself into?" Bella giggled. I put Rebecca in her car seat and hopped into the passenger seat.

I do not own all the characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and story.

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