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I basically was a spectator in my own body.
Two spirits. One body.
One evil. One good.
Only one can win.
In the end, who will it be?


It was so strange. I could see normally, I could hear myself speak. Feel my mouth form the words, I could feel my hands at my moms neck but it wasn't me. Basically I was just a voice in my own head. My mom said something. The language wasn't clear to me at all, but whatever she said made my hand snap open and release her.

She scrambled out of the room fast. And I followed.

The whole time she ran through the house, my mom was screaming words that sounded like gibberish to me. Whatever she was saying, the demon understood and was furious.

My body ran up the walls and upside down on the cieling. An ear-piercing scream erupted from my body. My mom had ran to the basement. Why the basement and not out the door? I soon found out.

Some time that night, most likely when I was doing the Banishing Spell, my mom had come down to the basement and set up her own circle. Maybe she'd known that I would mess up and wanted to have back-up. Well thank the Gods that she did! She now stood in the middle of a circle. A white candle in one hand, and a burning clump of sage in the other. Her face didn't show fear anymore. A look of determination now replaced that fear.

She slowly started chanting in the words of the olde language. Spinning in circles, using the billowing smoke to create shapes in the air. She swayed back and forth, and with each verse her voice got louder. This kept going on for a short minute until she collapsed to the floor.

She then rode back to her feet and raised her arms above her head. Her body then floated up in the air. A bright light filled the room. Now I know what she'd done.

She had invoked the Goddess of Life.


Everything needs balance. Without one, there wouldn't be the other. If it's always sunny, then what is a sunny day? You need darkness, in order to have light. If there is evil, then there is obviously good. And that good can banish the evil.

My mom was still my mom, but she wasn't. The Goddess had control over her now.

"Leave these poor souls alone, Michael. They did nothing wrong." She said.

Michael? Wasn't that that kids name from the graveyard?

The evil spirit in me spoke. "Yes he did. He stomped over my grave and then had the nerve to try to stop me from vandalizing it. It's my grave, I can do what I want." I could feel my face smirk. "Hear that Ashton? Remember me, Beetlejuice? Yeah. I don't like that you stomped over my grave. There were walkways for a reason."

I was furious. But what could I do? Michael was too powerful. I would try anyway.

Michael spoke. "Don't try to get your body back, Ashton. It won't work."

The Goddess spoke again, with the voice of my mother. "He didn't mean too. Michael, I'm so tired of having to come back to fix your problems. Please, don't kill this one."

What the hell? He'd killed people before? Oh snap.....

Michael bellowed. "Why not, Hm?" My body lifted all the way to the ceiling and was thrown powerfully back to the floor. Something snapped. I don't know what because my whole body ached. "He's just a lowly human being. He's trash. And very, ugly too." Michael scoffed.

The goddess, who possessed my mothers body, floated up and pointed to Michael. "Good always out rules evil." A impossibly bright light surrounded her. She focused her energy into her hands, which glowed brightly. She pointed at Michael/Me. "Let him go. And leave them be."

I wondered what my mother was thinking in her head. I really wanted to speak with her but I obviously couldn't. We both were possessed. But, she was possessed in a good way. My situation was life threatening.

"Piss off, hag." Michael said and my arms bent backwards. How didn't I feel it? I don't know, I guess I was in so much pain that I'd gone numb. My fingers cracked and popped as they twisted and shifted in impossible angles. I lifted into the air and felt a tremendous pressure in my throat. Something was coming up.

My throat extended impossibly, as I choked and my eyes flooded with tears. My mouth was forced open wide. And....you wouldn't believe what happened....

The damn snakes are back. A snake came out of my mouth. Another and another. Can this get any more worse?

The Goddess who looked like mom, focused the energy at Michael who looked like me. It hit my body with such tremendous force that I thought I would've exploded into a mass of flesh and blood. I felt a pressure leave my body.

Michael was gone. I could feel it. Well, he was gone from my body, but I bet he was still lingering around. My mothers body fell, the Goddess had left to deal with Michael. My body was sore as hell. But fine. I guess Michael didn't want me dead just yet. He messed with my mind just so I could feel pain. So I could know what he was capable of.


"Ashton..." My mom whimpered crawling to me. Tears brimmed her eyes and she cried. I held her. We sat like that for a while. "It's over....it's finally over." She sighed heavily.

I didn't believe for one second that it was over but, I won't tell her that. I nodded. "It's over mom. All thanks to you. You saved me." We both stood up and went to the kitchen. "Mom, mind making some pizza? I'm starving.."



I stood outside their window in my invisible form. Ashton, and his hag of a mother, sat at the table eating pizza. What imbeciles. Yes, the Goddess had cast me out of Ashton's body for good, but that doesn't mean I can't still wreak havoc on their lives.

Ashton disrespected me. Twice. His friend Luke, is smart. He knew I was trouble. But Ashton, he's stupid. And he will pay. His mother will pay too.

I don't care how hard it is. How long it takes. I don't care who they invoke, or summon.
I will kill Ashton Irwin. I will succeed in that.

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