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After 2 tiresome weeks, I finally reached my destination. The mountains were beautiful. They reached so far up into the sky that their peaks were hidden in fluffy clouds. The small village that rested between these mountains was equally beautiful.

Small, brown, square buildings sat in groups of three. They all formed a circle around an area in which a campfire sat in the middle. Women and Men were on equal status here. I saw some fathers with babies on their backs, and some fathers cooking. And some women chopping wood and carrying hay. And vice versa.

I walked up to a man feeding a small baby swaddled in green cloth. "Uh, sir." I asked cautiously. The man looked up at me and smiled a knowing smile.

"Hello, young traveler." The man said in an accent I'd never heard of. It sounded African, but also British, and Jamaican? I don't know it was strange. "You are in search of the medicine man." He said.

I blinked. "Yes, how'd you know?" I said baffled.

"Only two kinds people see our medicine man. The people of this village, and spirits. No humans know of this place, even if they did the mountains are too treacherous to climb and too tall to fly over." The baby cooed and giggled, I smiled at it.

"Well, do you know where I can find him?"

The man nodded. "Yes, but, may I ask your reason behind seeing him? I mean, I know you're looking for the spirit killing legend. But, I want to be sure you won't go on to kill innocent spirits."

"My ex- best friend is killing people. He killed me. He's killed a boys mom and the same boys best friend. And he's not going to stop, unless I stop him."

The man stood and rested the baby's head on his shoulder. "I will take you too him now."

"Thank you very much." I said gratefully.


We didn't walk long. The medicine mans hut was slightly different than the others. His was more like a giant dome, and was all white. I thanked the man and pinched the baby's cheek, making it laugh, before entering the building.

The building was cool. The inside was beautiful. The walls were painted with various scenery, mainly of the mountains and the village people. I saw a sort of altar sitting in a corner. Different colored candles were lit on small tables at different points in the room.

Straight ahead from the entrance was another opening with colorful streamers hanging from the top. I didn't want to just intrude so I stood some ways back and yelled.

"Uh, h-hello? Anyone home? I'm here to see the medicine man." I shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot. After some minutes a small man came out. He had a hunched back and leaned on a gnarled brown cane. He had a short gray beard and bright green eyes. A black scarf covered his head.

"Ah, you've finally arrived. I've been waiting." The old man smiled. To my surprise he had two perfect rows of pearly white teeth. He looked nearly 100 years old.

"Waiting? How did you know I was coming?" I asked.

"The stones my boy. The stones always know." Without further explanation he turned back into the entrance and motioned for me to follow, which I did.

The small room we entered was dark except for two red candles burning on a cloth laid out in the middle of the room. He sat on a small red cushion and motioned for me to do the same on an identical cushion across from him.

When I sat he handed me a small handmade, brown cup. "Tea." He said when I looked at him confused. The tea was the best I'd ever had and I quickly drained my cup. The old man refilled it and spoke. "So, you are looking to end another spirits existence."

I nodded. "Yes. His name is Michael. He's killing innocent spirits for fun. He won't stop unless someone stops him." I took another drink.

"Ah. Good, good." He stood up and walked over to a wooden box. After rummaging through it he came back with a small wooden figure. He wrapped it in a red cloth and handed it to me. "You must get him to hold onto this, while you recite these words." He handed me a piece of paper with words scrawled on it in blue ink.

How was I going to get him to carry this little wooden figure? I don't know but I'd get him to do it if it's the last thing I do. I finished my tea and stood up. I thanked the man and he bid me well.

Now. Time to get rid of Michael.



Ashton was so far gone. He was a wreck. It wrenched my heart seeing my best bud like that. It's like he wasn't even there. Physically he was, but his mind could've been in outer space. I tried to get him to notice and acknowledge me, but he never did. After a while I decided to leave and visit my mom.

My mom was also a wreck. She holed herself up in her room and rarely came out. My dad  brought her food and drink but she barely consumed any of it. She was losing weight and her eyes were constantly red. I couldn't bear watching her anymore.

Damn you, Michael.


[Authors Note: I know it's shorter than usual but I'm in pain right now and I want to kill everybody. I needed to put up a filler so, here it is. I have no idea where this story is going sigh. Vote and Comment.]

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