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Olivia's P.O.V~

My eyes burned and I felt weak. Ever since the battle and Ace being taken away and him being put into this coma, I have never left his side. Always on edge with the heart monitor. The thing never went off, never made a noise, but the nurse and suga both said that he is alive. I'm always in always constant state of nervousness, who knows if he will ever wake?

I took Aces hand and I held it putting my head down mostly from the sleep deprivation and started to cry once more. I really did worry for him I wish he knew how I felt towards him. I squeezed his hand harder. I wish I could tell him but I don't have the guts, I hope my actions could show something.

Antonia's P.O.V~

I was with the other maids in the mansion. We had free time for now because suga got into another fight.

Maid1- "Do u have any idea what happened?

Maid 2- " no but I saw all kinds of wounded and dead..."

"Oh my" I said a bit nervous because I was worried about Ace. I know for a fact that suga takes him with him on those kinds of fights.

Maid 1- "Did you see Ace at all? He went with Suga yes?"

Maid 2- "I saw someone who looked like Ace but I don't know if it was him or not.... He... He was with the presumed dead group of injured body's."

" WHAT!?" I freaked out and looked at the maid she nodded at me worryingly. I couldn't help but run to the aid section. He couldn't of been dead... He is too strong! I busted into the nurses office and nobody was there so I grabbed a clipboard on the desk and poked through the list of names that were written down from today's injuries. Aces name was on it and gasped. I looked at the room number and fled down the hall. On arrival to the room I saw some people gathered in front of the door with small bundles of flowers and cards. "damn." I said to myself thinking that I should've bought at least something for him! Oh well I will do something later I need to see if my man is ok!

walking into the door I saw Olivia laying next to the bed sleeping her hand was holding Aces. I huffed and pulled her hand away from him tossing it to the side. " I know Ace saved you too girl but you are not going to be his..." I said under my breath. Coming back to reality from my small jelous break out I noticed that it was unusually quiet in the room. I looked at her heartbeat monitor and so it wasn't moving. I panicked in disbelief and checked all the wiring to make sure the stupid thing was actually working. To my surprise I found out that the monitor won't actually connected to Ace. I examined the hin in relief going to Ace to check his pulse. I grabbed his hand, it was cold. I rolled up the sleeve and started to look for a puls. I was cut off though because the door flew open and Suga walked in scaring the living crap out of me.

"You don't have to check him miss. The nurses take care of that job"

"But Suga the freaking monitor won't even hooked up! Do the nurses know what they are doing? I mean it seems like they don't!"

he sighed " Antonia... the nurses must of had reasons for not hooking up the monitor. Plus one you're not a nurse, you don't have to be fiddling with their equipment." he glanced at the monitor wires which were now scattered all on the floor. " Also miss, you're a maid. Maids don't work in this section. There is another entire cleaning crew that work in this part of the building. Now please I don't mean to be rude but Olivia here is sleeping. So is Ace. Nobody as allowed in here but her for reasons that you don't need to know right now, may you please return to the maids room. I will make sure though that Ace knows you were here. I bet he would be excited to see you anyway when he wakes up, so don't worry."

I stood there a bit embarrassed now and bowed. "i'm sorry Suga for my attitude. I will take my leave now." I started to walk out but Suga had some last words.

"Miss please don't take anything I said personally. I know you care much for Ace ok? It's just we all here have our own personal things, under this roof we don't question personal lives ok?"

I bowed again " I understand I'm sorry for the trouble I will go now." I stepped out of the room and took a deep breath heading back to the maids section of the mansion.

I want to learn more about Ace, I've learned a lot but... There is a lot more I have yet to learn about him.

Olivia's P.O.V~

I felt My body shake and I looked up in shock. I saw Ace, as healthy as ever laying next to me. My eyes widened Ace was sitting up smiling at me. It looked like nothing even happened to hum, like he just woke up from a long slumber. I jumped up and gave him the biggest hug in the world. He chuckled and brushed my hair.

"Are you okay" Ace said. I backed away and looked at him.

"You were gone, in a coma. How do you look like nothing happened?" I remarked, eyes red and teary.

"The nurses even question it, I wouldn't worry about it,it hasn't been the first time. I guess my body just heals very quickly!" He chuckled and stood up brushing himself off. "Well I should be off, I need to let Suga know that I'm not dead yet!" He nodded towards me and I darted up, getting dizzy.

"Hey don't rush yourself." He sat me down on the bed and held onto my back noticing that I was dizzy. "It will be alright Ill come right back, maybe you need to get some rest you seem exhausted."

"Yeah. I guess I might be. Thank you" I smiled softly as Ace helped me lay down tucking me in before walking away.

"Rest well, Ill let the nurses know you will be in here." He reached for the lights and dimmed them making the room seem nice, not soon after hearing the door close I fell asleep.


Bruh, ok lets be real here. Its been years since I've even been on wattpad and I have an amazing friend who sparked some joy into coming back onto here and working on this story. I really apologize but lets get as much of this story on the way as possible.

Thank you...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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