Chapter Twelve (Part 2)

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Chapter Twelve (Part Two)


After a few hours of eating, drinking and getting to know each other better, Michael stands up to announce something.

"I am glad that everyone is getting on and that God's army is filling up. On the other hand, I must stress that we do not have long before you start your training. It is now vital that you find the rest of your companions by the end of next week!" he says.

"Next week?" says Silver a little louder than he had intended.

"Yes, next week," repeated Michael.

"What happened to the end of the holidays? Or at the very least the month's period?" asks Sapphire.

"It's been reduced as we have information that although the ultimate war will take place just before New Years, another battle will take place on the thirty-first of October," he explains.

"On Halloween?" I ask.

"Precisely. That festive night is not to be messed with, nor celebrated," Gabriel added. "It is one of the most favoured days for the witches and demons of this world to come out and recruit..."

"...The reason being that they are camouflaged by the rest of the population dressed up as them," finishes Raphael.

"So Halloween is really not good a day, as opposed to a simple superstition?" Rose questions.

"It is definitely not a superstition!" says Mary. "And may I add that most superstition have some truth in it? Why do you think that there are so many horror stories based on Halloween? It isn't just coincidence, I can tell you that for sure!"

"So what's going to happen on Halloween?" Sky asks.

"What is meant to happen on Halloween, is for your powers to be drained so that when it comes to New Years Eve ... well you can figure it out," Michael starts. "But of course, that is not going to happen!"

"Obviously, we won't let it happen!" I say boldly. "So how do we prevent it from happening?"

"Well, the main thing is for you to stay indoors!" Mary states.

"Oh is that all?" Silver says surprised.

"Is that all?" repeats Michael chuckling. "Silver, you have no idea what is planned on that night, or the temptations that you will face."

"I'll make sure none of us go outside!" Sapphire says. At the same time the radio, which had been on in the background this whole time was turned up by Raphael.

~ This is BBC Radio 1. We are so excited to announce that Golden Throne will be doing a book signing at Bluewater on the thirty-first of October, from twelve o-clock to six, for their new book entitled "Our Golden Throne", which is set to be released on the twenty-eighth of October. Make sure to get your copies... ~

We all stop to stare at each other. Golden Throne is currently the biggest co-ed band in the UK and every teenager loves them.

"You know what it's cool, I mean it's just a signature in a book. We can get the book later anyway!" Silver says.

"Yeah, that's true," I say nodding. But of course it doesn't end there, the radio continues:

~ And in case that's not a good enough reason to go and see the hottest band in the UK, we would like to add that the first two hundred people will be given FREE tickets for their London Tour at this event. You will not be able to get the tickets anywhere else! So make sure you don't miss out... ~

"Well that's my queue to cry!" I hear Rose say.

"Mine too," I say laughing.

Looking at Silver, Michael grins saying:

"So yes, Silver that will be all, for now," which makes us all laugh.

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