Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three


"What on earth, do you think you are doing?" a young man asks Sapphire, looking directly at her eyes. I know then, that he's an angel. The contrast of his piercing blue eyes and his darker skin, confirms it.

"I...sorry!" Sapphire replies, rapidly blinking and just like that her eyes go back to normal. I look around to see if anyone is looking at us and catch the eye of an Asian girl. I look back at Sapphire ready to warn her but before I can the Asian girl walks towards us and says:

"Gabriel, Sapphire here you are." As she stands next to me, I begin to feel sick. I take a step back so I can move away from her. I don't know what it is but there's something very negative about her. On the contrary to the joy and purity I had felt when I had seen Sapphire sitting down reading a book, I feel a sudden mood change and darkness towards the Asian girl.

"Gift, what are you doing here?" Sapphire says scowling. I get the feeling that she doesn't like her either.

"I came to see you!" the Asian girl, Gift says.

"I don't remember asking you too," Sapphire says coldly. I raise my eyebrow in shock at her bluntness towards Gift and look at Gabriel, assuming he would say something to defend Gift, but he does no such thing.

"Well...we're going to go," Amber says, taking Jade's hand.

"Go where?" I question. "Don't you remember what I told you?" I say looking at Sapphire and Gabriel and then back at her. "It's them."

"She's right, you can't go!" Gift says turning to Amber. "You have to stay!" she continues, lightly placing a hand on Amber.

"Okay, sure," Amber says quickly. I look at her scrunching my face. I saw that she was ready to argue with me (as expected) but as soon as this girl Gift tells her to stay she agrees? That was not like Amber.

"Amber, are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" she says raising her voice slightly, making her Irish accent harsher. I look at her for another second before turning my attention back to Sapphire, whose demeanour had dramatically changed since Gift's arrival.

"I think we should go," Gabriel says making his way to the door. I look around and see a few people looking in our direction, so I turn around and follow him out. A part of me is very exited to follow him, as I know he's an angel, and I also know that Jade, Amber and I are part of something big. As a kid, I'd always known I was special. I always dreamt about angels and from the age of six, I started to see them too. I never use to understand why the other kids didn't see them like I did. I spent a lot of my younger years, on my own as the other kids thought I was weird for talking to angels. This isn't something that I regret or want people to feel sorry for, as it makes me who I am today. I enjoy my own company and would rather be alone then surrounded by bad company.

When I started secondary school, I met Jade and Amber, who were already going out and in year ten at the time. They had been assigned as my mentors and we've been friends ever since. During that time, I told them about my dreams and conversation with angels, and not once did they judge me or make me feel like I was delusional, which was nice. We grew closer everyday and joked that I was their secret child from another world. Slowly, they themselves began to be more open minded about angels, and realised that they could be real.

The Colours of Salvation [Complete (Slowly Editing)] #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz