Meeting the New Guys

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Me and Shadow enter the throne room "what is it mother, father?" They wave towards the door and a blue hedgehog, a silver hedgehog, a pink hedgehog, a red Echinacea, a purple cat, and a white bat. "mother, father not to be rude but who are they, I've never seen them in the Nightmare Realm....there from the Mobiüs Realm aren't they?" My nodded "the girls are here to teach you how to be a lady, and the boys are guards" what? "ok what ever, but why do I need more guards? other than our family Shadow's the best fighter" why are they doing this to me "because we've seen how close you and Shadow are" I can feel puddles of tears forming in my eyes "we've known each other since we were born!" with that said I ran off to my room "your highness as the princesses guard I believe I have the right to go after her" I can hear and smell Shadow coming towards me "make sure that they don't do anything inappropriate" I could hear my parents tell the new guys. Just then I feel someone pat my head and I know right away it's Shadow "Shadow" I turn around and hug him and I can feel his arms around me, then I smell the new guys again coming around the corner, but I don't care if they see me and Shadow. "hey! I believe that's not allowed?" I still didn't care, "hey aren't listening?" That pink hedgehog is so annoying. Me and Shadow let go of each other "yes it would be, if I were only just a normal knight, but I'm just a knight, I'm also her childhood friend" Shadow's super cool "What!?" Must hold myself from killing her "yes that's right, and it doesn't matter what anyone says me and Shadow are best friends and nothing will change that" I think Shadow can see my anger rising "Lunna.. I mean princess how about letting off some of that steam with a little scrimmage?" I can feel my face light up "a scrimmage?" Please don't tell me that the blue hedgehog is like the pink one "yeah despite Lunna's size she's a really good fighter...well not as good as me of course" I elbow him in the stomach "I mean princess" if that pink hedgehog opens her mouth one more time I swear I will kill her. "well to the training grounds".

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