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Y/n POV:

It's now Christmas, the professors, myself and draco were staying. Since Draco wished for me to be myself, I decided to be myself. Draco and I were walking into the great hall where every professor gasped except for my grandmother, she said "y/n dear, are you sure about this. Showing your secret to the professors?" I nodded my head and went to the professor tables. Since it was only Draco and I, they allowed us to sit with them. We were all talking and then I sense something wrong. Grandma saw and asked what was wrong. I told her that I was able to sense some intruders, possibly death eaters. Grandma sniff the great hall and nodded to the professors saying I was right. All of us got up, with wands in our hands then went to separate to find the death eaters. Eventually I found two and was dueling with them. Without a warning, a death eater came up behind and tried to capture me. Until grandma showed up and true to send them away, they succeed but took me with them. They threw me in s jail then walked away like nothing happened. They only thought I was half animal and half human by looks but, I can transform into my breed and so I did. I slipped out of the cage easily and walked past any death eaters that didn't notice me except for one. Lord voldemort. He noticed me then picked me up, he then started petting me behind the ears. I'll admit, it felt wonderful to be petted so I ended up purring. The dark lord loved me and decided to keep me as a pet (pretend he doesn't have Nagini) he created a black color with white studs collar and named me Luna. I thought this might have been the best way to escape, pretend to be the dark lords pet. I was force to follow him everywhere and when he was sitting, I would be on his lap. It's been a week and soon all the death eaters showed up with the professors and Draco. I guess they outnumber them. McGonagall eyes widen when she saw me sitting on the dark lord lap. She was able to tell it was me by my scent. Draco on the other hand almost burst into tears when he saw me. The other teacher managed to look like they never knew me. They were all able to tell it was me because of the kind of breed I was. The dark lord put me down while he put the professors and my crush in jail. The dark lord then told me he needed to go to a meeting and left me. I ran to where they all stayed and slipped through the bars. McGonagall then said "y/n dear! This is where you have been this whole time! I'm surprise that you are still alive!" Then I meowed saying "yes grandma, this is where I have been. I was trying to sneak out but the dark found me and kept me hostage without him knowing that it was me" I found a spare key in the corner and I opened up the cuffs for everyone to be released, then I meow to grandma again saying "translate this for everyone, I need everyone to follow me, there is a hidden passage way here for us to escape" grandma translate and followed. We soon escaped wherever we were and back to hogwarts where every student were looking for the professors, let's also say they outnumbered Dumbledore as well. Everyone went in and they saw the real me. Many people mouths fell and I looked down with tears. Soon some of the slytherins yelled out "awesome! She's half animal! Draco so lucky that he got to spend time with her!" I looked up to see that the slytherins have accepted me, I looked at the other houses and the Ravenclaws yelled out "what a freak! She shouldn't be in our house!"  What they said was true, I am a freak. Draco placed his hand on my shoulders and led me to the Slytherin table. I tried so hard to cover up my eyes, ears and tail, I never really tried to cover up my fangs because they almost looked like human teeth. I didn't have any claws so that was a bonus not to cover up. Since people saw the real me, there is really no point of hiding myself now. I ended up talking to some of the slytherins girls. Pansy, Astoria and daphne. Astoria and Daphne liked me but we only talked for a little bit while for pansy, she talked to me like I was her long life friend. I'll admit, she was very nice and pretty. Soon it was time to leave for our dorms, I knew the Ravenclaws would just kick me out so without anyone noticing, I snuck off to the dark forest to sleep. During the middle of the night, I felt someone carry me, and I was in my cat form so I wasn't really that heavy. They put me in a bed and wrapped their arms around me, I didn't know who it was but I just allowed them to. The next morning when I woke up, I found four pairs of eyes staring at me. I recognized them as Theo and Blaise, Draco's best friends. That's when it hit me, Draco was the one who picked me up! I tried to get away from his deadly grasp but couldn't, luckily his friends noticed and managed to get me out of his arms, I walked around and stretch for a bit before leaving the dorm. I walked to the great hall for breakfast and saw Draco looking at me, then the Slytherins signaled me to come over. I did what they asked me to and everyone gave me a present. Draco's present was the best, it was a laser. When I finished opening my present from Blaise, I thanked him then saw a red dot, I transformed and started chasing it. The slytherins looked over to see who was doing it and smiled because it was Draco's gift. I kept chasing it until it was gone, I looked over and saw Draco laughing along with other slytherins. I jumped on to his shoulders and started nuzzling his neck while he was petting me. Best Christmas ever!

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