Chapter 12

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Justin was right, it has been the calm before the storm. Laura hasn't been here is days and I've only cried three times. But I know there's another shoe. I'm just waiting for it to drop.

"Shailene." Laura's voice sing songs. I knew she couldn't just stay away forever. I don't open my eyes.
"I have a friend for you." Now I open my eyes. But I only see Laura.
"Ha, just kidding, dear. Ruth will be a couple more hours." She laughs, wickedly and slams the door.
"You have such a dirty mouth." Justin form comes out of the darkness.
"Yeah, I do. Deal with it." I spit.
"My, my. After all my help, your back to snippy? I really thought we were past that." He grins.
"Whatever." I sit up and fluff my hair a bit.
"How's your cuts?" Justin crouches down beside me and looks down at my arms. I expect him to force me to lift them, but he waits until I do so myself.
"They feel fine." I mutter.
"Pain killers, love."
"Don't call me love." I glower at him.
"But it suits you so well, love." He stands up. I roll my eyes.
"How are feeling about Ruth? Her coming back. Torturing you." He crosses his arms and smiles.
"After what you've done to me? I'm sure I can handle whatever shit she throws my way." I huff.
"Except, you don't have your bodyguard anymore. Do you?" The thought of Theo makes my chest ache. I think back to filming Allegiant. I remember one night. We were just talking.
"Shai?" Theo asks me.
"Yes?" I slur. I've had a little to drink.
"Do you love me?" He took a long swig from his glass. He then takes my hand. His almost swallow mine whole.
His question takes me off guard. But I know my answer immediately.
"With all my heart." I giggle.
The memory hits me, hard.
I fall back slightly. In my black out, I realize I've stood up. But I'm walking on alien feet. Theo's hands-no, Justin's hands-reach out to steady me.
"Woah. Easy there." I blink him into focus.
"I-I remember." I whisper.
Justin's face turns curious.
"What do you remember?" He asks. I look at him.
"It's not much. I just remember, one night. I was just talking to Theo. It's small, but it's-it's something." I smile at Justin, I'm too happy not to.
His mouth lifts in a half smile.
"That's amazing, Shailene."
I still feel his arms on me, I carefully step out of them.
I rub the spots where they were. Justin takes a step back and coughs.
"Uh, do you remember anything else?" I search through the archives of my brain, I shake my head.
"I'll check in on you later." He turns to go.
"Why are you doing this?"
He turns around.
"I don't know what you mean." But his face tells me otherwise.
"I thought you, hated me. But you've been...oddly kind to me." I cross my arms.
"I haven't told you?" I imagine his smirk. Yet it's not there.
"Told me what?" I know I'm playing his game, but I need answers.
"Shailene, I never wanted to hurt you. I'm in a...debt. To Laura. And Ruth. And the only way I could get out of it was to, kidnap you." He looks down, embarrassed?
"There wasn't any other way? You had to kidnap me?" Anger floods my veins and I clench my fists.
"Don't call me that." I cut cleanly across his words. My voice is steadier than I expect.
"What were you going to do? Do Laura's bidding until she said you could leave? And leave me here? Do you even realize what Ruth has done to me all these years!" I expect tears to spill over, but I'm surprisingly emotionless.
"No. No, Shailene. I was going to get you out. I promise. Please."
He staring at me now. His blue eyes piercing.
"I can't. I can't trust you."
He takes my hand.
"You don't have to. Just believe me. Please." I look at him.
"Oh, Shai. Thank you."
"Nu-huh." I take a step back.
"You are going to get me out of here. Now."

(A/N) aw man. HAVE ANY OF YOU READ THE MARA DYER TRILOGY AH ITS SO GOOD distressedwriter thanks for recommending it :)

AfterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora