Chapter 20

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I pace out in the hallway.
I pull at my hair and grunt. She can't fix everything. Not everything is perfect. She can't expect me to be fine and forget about all that's happened. I'm not superman. Fuck.
You're such an asshole.
"Mr. James?" I whirl around to find a nurse staring at me.
"Yeah, that's me." I sigh.
"I have news about Mr. Woodley?" Her voice is light, feather like. She must be popular with kids.
"Yes, of course. What is it?"
"It was a terribly long surgery, we weren't sure if he'd make it through it, but by some miracle, he's doing great. He's up in recovery. Third floor." Took you long enough, maybe start with that next time. I take back what I said about kids. I say thank you and continue to pace. I take a few deep breaths and walk into Shailene's room. She's pacing as well.
"Hey, you shouldn't be out of bed-" I start.
She stops and faces me. She puts one hand on her hip and starts to wave the other hand at me.
"You wanna know why I can't fix you, Theodore?"
She walks towards me and I back up until I'm against the wall. Her finger is still waggling.
"Because you-" she pokes her finger into my chest. Hard. "-are not fucking broken." She glares at me.
"You're damaged maybe. But we all are, I for sure am. I'm so damaged, I trust the man that kidnapped me and I worry about him and if you can't accept that than I don't know if this is ever going to work and-what are you smiling at?" While Shai was talking, a small smile had crept onto my face.
"I love it when you go all rebellion, long speech, listen to me or else, I guess."
The corners of her mouth lift slightly.
"Maybe I should do that more often." She smirks.
"Maybe." I smirk, too.
She goes to turn away, but I catch her hand and spin her. I pin her against the wall.
"Well, aren't we smooth." She says.
"Mmh-hmm." I run my hands down her arms and slide them up the wall until they're above her head. Not breaking eye contact. She moves her hips against mine. I stifle a moan.
"So, are you gonna kiss me or..." She says as she squints at me.
"I don't know, yet." I lean forward and touch my lips behind her ear. Her nails dig into my hands that are still above her head.
"Like that, huh?" I whisper in her ear. A slight groan is all the response I get. I work my way down her neck until I get to her collarbone. I tease her some more before finally getting to her lips. She hastily bites onto my lower lip and brings me closer. (Not that I could get much closer, but still, she tries.) Her tongue slides along my upper lip.
"You're so naughty." I mumble.
"You haven't seen anything yet." She rips her hands away from mine and hinges her fingers in my belt loops. She yanks me closer and starts to bite my neck. A moan escapes my mouth and I feel her smile against my skin.
"When can I take you home?" I breathe.
"Not soon enough." She answers.

(A/N) hello lovelies. So. Pretty sure there's going to be a sex scene in the next chapter. Prepare yourselves.
It could get pretty kinky. Just warning you. Be aware. No, Seriously. Bring protection.

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