Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Order in the Court? I Think Not.

"Does this look okay?" Allison asked tentatively while peering into the mirror. 

Connor walkded up behind her and snaked his arms around her stomach. "You look beautiful." She was wearing a purple, loose fititng dress and low heels. Anything higher than that and she would trip because of her swollen ankles.

"But you can so tell I'm pregnant!" Allison exclaimed. 

Connor tilted his head to the side and squintd, as if he was examining a work of art. "I guess, but isn't that a good thing? The jury will pity you! Use anything to your advantage, that's what my father always says. Are you sure you want me to come? I won't make you nervous?"

Allison turned to smile at him. She rested her head on his chest and breathed out slowly to try to calm her nerves. "Of course not. I couldn't do this without you. I just wish you could be my lawyer."

Connor laughed and Allison could feel his chest vibrate underneath her head. "Yeah, but don't you think it's better for a real lawyer to represent you?" Allison nodded reluctantly, still upset that he wouldn't be next to her. "Besides, you know your father is the best lawyer around."  Allison swore she could hear resentment in his voice, but she dismissed it quickly. Now wasn't the time.

"Well, we should probably get going."


The car ride to the court was short and silent. When they first pulled out of the long driveway, Connor had tried to make light converstaion, but Allison hadn't responded. She was afraid of throwing up if she opened her mouth, she was so nervous.

When they finally pulled up at the courthouse, Connor shut off the car and gazed up at the tall building. "I can't tell you how many times my dad dragged me here." He gave a harsh laugh. "I must have watched a hundred court proceedings. I should have hated it... but I really liked it."

Allison didn't respond. She stared straight ahead, playing the possible outcomes over and over in her head. She could get off.... but of course, that was unlikely. She broke his foot. She could go to jail. She would have her baby in prison, and get tattoos, and never see Connor again...

Connor interrupted her thoughts. "I watched my father send so many people to jail. Killers, psycopaths... even college students that go drunk at a campus party. Most were guilty, but some... some weren't." He paused and glanced over at Allison. "I won't do that. Ever. And I promise you your father won't let that happen You'll be fine, trust me."

Allison looked over after a moemnt. She leaned over and gave him a long, sweet kiss while trying not to cry. "Thank you. How'd you get so sweet?"

Connor smirked. "I guess I was just born awesome."

Allison laughed half-heartedly. She got out of the car and tried to walk with confidence. She could feel the stares of some of the people around her, but she ignored them. Connor's footsteps followed close behind her. He reached up and grabbed her hand. She squeezed it and walked through the doors of the courtroom. 

Connor left her to sit in the stands behind her as she continued up to the tabe in front. Her father was waiting for her with his leather briefcase open in front of him. When he saw her, he stood up and enveloped her in a hug .She hugged him back, possibly for the first time in her life. 

"So, are you ready?"

"No." She sighed and glanced at Broderick at the other table with his foot in a cast. "Dad, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, he just came on to me, and so I did that defense thing you told me about. I'm really, really sorry!"

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