welcome to the Weapon X Program, Wade

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Wades POV

''Yo Wade, you ok?'' Claude asks while he leads Wade to the boys' bathroom. He opens the door and Wade walks in, standing in front of one of the toilets, looking at it with his eyes half closed, swinging his body back and forth lightly. Claude stands in front of the bathroom's mirror checking himself out and talking to Wade at the same time but his brain simply can't process the words that come out of Claude's mouth as he's too busy emptying his stomach of all the things he ate and drank lately, into the toilet.

''ish blue..'' Wade whispers to himself and giggles at his own mess.

''Are you done making a fucking mess on the toilet or what'' Claude grumbles annoyed as he turns around to look at Wade. He's just standing there, looking at Claude with a stupid smile on his face ''why the fuck are you smiling'' he grabs Wade's arm and starts dragging him out of the toilet ''you know what, I don't care let's just get outta here before someone-''

They're stopped by one of the teachers before they could make it to the bathroom's door.

''what is going on here?'' the teacher demands the both of them, looking around the bathroom behind them, with a suspicious face '' and what is that smell?'' he asks, wrinkling his nose in disgust while eyeing Wade.

''nothing, we're late for class goodbye'' Claude tries to walk past the teacher with Wade but they're stopped again by him grabbing Wade's arm.

''is he... drunk?'' the teacher grabs Wade's face turning it in odd positions, observing him. Wade groans and grabs his hand, pulling it lazily away from his face. He was certainly not in the mood for that, he just wanted to go home and sleep for a week. ''You're coming with me'' he points at Wade ''and you. Go to class. We'll talk about this later'' he said, a little too harshly to Claude who just shrugs and walks back to class not even bothering to check if Wade needs anything.

The teacher leads Wade by his arms to one small room with only a red couch in there. Wade sits and closes his eyes for a few seconds, hoping to sleep a little but he feels someone shaking him awake ''you can't fall asleep, you're too intoxicated and might even have alcohol poisoning'' Someone Wade never saw in his life tells him. By now he's too cranky and extremely wasted, he just wants the world to leave him alone.


''Alright kid, this is your house. Don't drink again if you plan on going to college after. We don't want any trouble'' a cop says, after driving Wade home from college. He steps out of the car, and the vehicle just speeds off. They didn't even bother to check if Wade actually went inside, they just leave him there, staring at the big, lonely dark building that was his house.

''where ish mah houseee'' Wade mumbles lazily, rubbing one eye, unable to recognize his own home.

He walks out of his driveway, onto to street wandering around trying to see if he can identify something or someone. He doesn't acknowledge the black SUV following at short distance. Actually, he doesn't acknowledge anything else as his brain finally shuts down and Wade collapses in the middle of the road before everything goes dark.

The black SUV stops a few meters behind him and two bulky bald men dressed in black get out of the vehicle. They pick up Wade by his feet and hands and throw him inside the car carelessly. After that they enter the SUV and it speeds off on the road.


This has gotta be the worst hangover ever.

Not that Wade has ever had a hangover.

He just didn't think it would be this bad.

He can't open his eyes. His head is throbbing. He can't even move his body because of the chains that hold him down.

''wait, chains? Hangovers don't have chains.'' Wade mumbles to himself, still incapable of opening his eyes. He tries to move his arms but it was no use. He was completely restrained, so he decided to gather all his strength to use on his eyelids.

He finally manages to slowly open his eyes, getting adjusted to the light.



Funny looking liquids.

People with lab coats and surgical masks on their faces.

What the fuck is going on here.

Wade starts moving around, trying to get rid of these suffocating chains, trying to break free , his breathing is fast and unsteady and he is starting to have a panic attack.

''Wade, calm down, you don't have to be scared'' a man, in his mid-fifties dressed in a fancy suit, tries to calm Wade down but he's too scared and panicked to even notice his presence so the man does what he has to do to call Wade's attention.

He punches him. Hard. In the face.

Wade looks so shocked, he just stares at the man, his mouth open, unable to form any type of sound.

Well, at least the man got Wade's attention.

''I'm glad I have your attention now. Sorry for the punch, you were having a panic attack and needed to calm down. My name is Stryker. William Stryker.'' The man, Stryker, introduces himself but Wade is still incapable of saying anything so he takes the chance to keep talking ''have you ever wanted to change yourself? To be more than you are now? Have you ever wanted to be someone else?''

''who-who are you? Where am I?'' Wade finally manages to blurt out, as he takes in what Stryker just told him.

''I'm the man that can make your dreams come true. I'm here to help you, Wade. You're in my laboratory.'' Stryker starts pacing around wade's restrained body, slowly while talking ''we've been watching you for a while now. Studying your behavior, your habits, where you go, what you do... and I've came to a conclusion that you probably came to as well. You're miserably lonely, and nobody gives a fuck about you'' Stryker stops right behind Wade's head, smiling while looking down at him. Wade looks back, his eyes wide open with what he just heard. He was being stalked big time by someone who wanted to make experiences on him. But although he didn't want to admit it, the man was right. He was extremely lonely and nobody gave a fuck about him. But that doesn't mean Wade was gonna let some stupid guy experience on him.

''that doesn't give you the right to kidnap me or do weird shit with my body. Now if you'd ever be so kind, could you fucking get these chains off of me? Please? I'm even being nice, so just do it before I Hulk out and break all your fucking toys, and let me tell ya they look expensive as shit'' Wade growls, wiggling his body trying to get free even tho he knew it was useless.

''has someone ever told you that you talk way too much?'' Stryker walks from behind wade to stand in front of him, completely ignoring what Wade just rambled. Suddenly he grabs Wade's neck hard, making him yelp in surprise ''now you listen to me, you little shit, you're gonna stay here whether you like it or not, and we're gonna make you our ultimate weapon'' Stryker states harshly eyeing Wade's red face from lack of oxygen, which makes him smirk.

''ult- ultimate we-weapon?'' wade gasps, moving his arms around to try to take the hand squeezing his neck off of him, but failing miserably.

''yes. The Weapon X.'' Stryker finishes off, taking his hand off of Wade's neck, making him gasp and choke on his own breath.

''welcome to the Weapon X Program, Wade'' Stryker walks to the door, preparing to leave the room, turning around one last time to look at wade, who was already looking at him, with eyes full of terror, making him feel powerful and feared

''you're gonna wish you were never born''

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