A love confession

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"You need to stop running away every time someone confronts you about your feelings, you know."

"...stop running away..."

"...someone confronts you about your feelings..."

"...running away..."




"Huh?" Peter realizes he didn't hear a single word of what Harry just told him.

"What's wrong, dude? You've been zoning out a lot lately. We can't even hold a conversation for more than five minutes before you go to zombie mode again!" Harry frowns and crosses his arms, looking at Peter with a hint of annoyance and worry "not to talk about how you look like shit, have you even been sleeping lately? Are you sick?" Harry quickly puts the back of his hand against Peter's forehead to feel his temperature but Peter just rolls his eyes and swats his hand.

"I'm okay, don't worry" Peter mutters a little annoyed.

"Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend" Harry sighs.

Suddenly Peter's phone starts ringing and Peter checks who's calling.


[It's me]


Peter rejects his call. Again. For the forth time that day. It's been four days since they met at the cafe. He promised to call Wade the next day but Peter didn't. He couldn't. He should have but... he's so confused. He just needs some time to think about what him and Wade were. He's been avoiding going to college so he doesn't run into Wade accidentally.

[You're such an ass, Peter]

"Peter!" Harry calls him loudly, startling Peter who just looks at him like he had grown two heads. "God dammit dude, would it hurt you if you could pay attention for at least five minutes?" he glares at Peter.

[Peter, mah man you need to get your shit together]

"I'm sorry Harry I need to go now. I'll talk to you later" Peter quickly gets up from the couch and runs to the front door, leaving Harry's house behind.

He runs fast towards home so he can dress his Spiderman suit and do what he does best.


"Spiderman!" a deep voice calls behind him and Peter turns to see its source.

"Oh hey Deadpool. You're late" Peter smiles faintly under his mask and turns his head again to face the big city. This is the forth day he and Deadpool have been hanging out, and it feels good. Peter hates to admit it but it does feel good to talk to someone about what bothers you even if that someone is a crazy mercenary who always smells like mexican food. They've been talking about each other's stories of when they fight villains or kill monsters in space and Peter is always fascinated, and somewhat skeptical, by Deadpool's stories of him in other universes, other planets, other everything. And he always looks so cheerful like he didn't have a single care in the world. Well, always except today.

"Deadpool, are you ok?" Peter asks concerned, he could feel Deadpool's sadness coming from him in waves. Deadpool sits next to spidey on the edge of the building, his feet dangling above the city and the people who looked like ants from there.

When deadpool doesn't answer, Peter puts his hand on the merc's cheek and turns his head so he could look at his black and red mask.

"You're awfully quiet today dude, what happened?" Peter asks, caressing Deadpool's cheek to reassure him but he just shrugs and frowns under the mask.

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