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It was her very first day in the dark city. Gotham.  The city that made even the strongest of men fall to their knees, and let out a cry. A cry for help.

It did not bother her not one bit. In her long lifetime she has heard just well as seen the dangers that the world had to offer.

Gotham was no different. People were just to stupid to realize. Dangerous, and supposedly "evil" people were everywhere.

The blonde, however was not to quick to fall under anyone's mind games.

She walked head held high down the dark streets of Gotham. No, she was not full of herself nor did she think that she was above everyone. She held  her head high simply because she did not show any fear. She did not shrink in fear.

Her dark grey eyes glanced around her eyes as she walked. Her blonde hair blowing in the wind slightly as she walked. It certainly was not long before her destination came into her eye sight.

A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips as she entered the building. Gotham's GCPD. The police station or the so called. There were so many crimes, and bloody murders that went pass them. Right under their noses without them even realizing it.

Rosemarie smiled to herself before she began walking to the record room. Thankfully, she had blened in somewhat. No one had paid her any attention what so ever.

Entering the record room her dark grey eyes immediately caught sight of several different groups of paper. Rosemarie continued to walk into the room looking for a computer. Looking around the room her eyes spotted it surrounded by more paper.

Rolling her eyes she walked towards the computer. When she made it to the computer she began typing immediately. Her fingers moving along the keyboard gracefully, and quick.

Rosemarie was editing her file. Cleaning it per say.

Stepping away from the computer she read over her file once more

Name- Rosemarie Xavier

Age- 22

Eye Color- Dark Grey

Height- 5'7

A chuckle left the blonde's lips. That file of hers was based off of lies of the most part. Yes, her name was Rosemarie, but no her last name really is not Xaver. It is Howlett. That age is wrong as well. Her real age is one hundred, and sixty not twenty two.

Rosemarie's head suddenly pipped up. She heard the sound of a beating heart, and very loud footsteps.

"Oh the joy of not being human."The blonde muttered softly closing her eyes.






"Hey! Ma'am you are not supposed to be in here!" A male's voice called out to her.

Opening her eyes she turned around only to be faced with a young male cop who glared at her.

"I'm not?"Rosemarie questioned sounding innocent as she stepped foward.

The obviously young cop shook his head no. Rosemarie's eyes scanned him.

Victor his name tag read.

Rosemarie's smile dropped in a second. Her eyes looked almost black as anger boiled in her veins. That name just brought up so many bad memories.

"Ya know what bub."She said her accent coming out.

"What?"Victor asked shaking slightly. Something was wrong he knew.

"I am not one to follow the rules, or anything of that nature. So if I were you I would just turn around, and simply walk away."Rosemarie whispered darkly as she stalked towards the shaking cop.

"No."He said standing his ground.

The blonde smirked. "Trying to keep that pathetic pride of yours I see. I wouldn't. Damn pride if I were to die in a matter of seconds like you. The shit wouldn't even matter." Rosemarie told him. Her eyes cold as she stalked to him.

She moved her hand infront of her stretched out. She bawled, and unbawled her fingers. Her eyes still casted upon the foolish guard.

Victor let out a yelp as he was lifted off the ground sightly. His eyes wide as saucers as his arms stretched out to their full length. The thing was that he did not do that. His arms were moved out of force. Force that was not from him.

Rosemarie jerked her hand towards her. Along with her Victor's chest jerked foward blooding began pouring violently out of his body like a gas substance.

Rosemarie's hand fell down to her sides. Victor now dead fall to the floor with a loud thump. The blonde glanced at the body one last time before leaving the room.


"But she looks so sad, and angry. I hate it when she looks at me that way." Rosemarie heard a male's voice said.

It had been almost a whole hour since the blonde killed that man in cold blood. Since then Rosemarie never left the police station. She was just curiously wondering around.

"Like it matters! Like you stand a chance with her. She knows how you feel about her, and treats you like dirt!"Rosemarie heard the same male voice, but angry.

Curious the blonde followed the sound of the voice. She came to face a closed door with a glass window.

Rosemarie slowly opened the door letting herself in. The voice belonged to a dark haired skinny man.

He wore a white lab coat that fell loosely on his shoulders.

The man let out a very dramatic sigh.

"I don't care I still love her."He muttered to himself stupidly in Rosemarie's opinion. It was obvious that this she was not interested.

"Urghh!"He growled. "Listen to yourself. Be a man!"He exclaimed slamming a drawer shut.

Just watching this man made Rosemarie angry. It was the fact that it was obvious that he was always being mistreated. Probably for no reason too.

"Oh do better than that. What if she's a little scared of you?"

"Stop talking like that."

"No riddles."

"Just keeping it real."

"What's black, and red all over?"

"Stop!"He yelled.

The man then began laughing darkly throwing his head back.

Suddenly, he stopped let out a growl slamming the drawer shut once again. Breathing heavily he turned around facing the blonde.

Anger was seen clear across his face. It only disappeared when he noticed Rosemarie staring at him.

It was as he calmed down instantly.

"Are you okay?"She questioned even thorough she knew the answer was no. Slowly, Rosemarie stalked towards him. All he did was watch her warily.

Rosemarie touched his cheek staring at him sadly. The man snapped out of his trance of saying nothing, and quickly jumped back.

"I am fine."He said.

Rosemarie nodded as she stumbled slightly. Her eyes crossed before everything went black.


Chapter dedicated to amysponds





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