
769 46 20

Northwest Territories, Canda 1845

The room was dimly lighted. It was rather cold that night however the coldest of nights were to be experienced later that night.

The only sound that was heard were coughs of a young boy.

"Your always sick."A young boy spat only just fifteen years old. His dark eyes glanced to a little boy who let out a round of coughs constantly. He considered the young boy a brother. Looking down at the pocket knife in his hands he began to cut at his nails. They weren't nails. No more or so like sharp razor claws. One of a wild animal would have.

"You were sick when you were my age."The younger boy said. Breads of sweat formed upon his forehead.

In a chair that was pulled up to the bed that the sick boy laid in was a young girl. Her dark grey eyes looked to her brother sadly. She hated seeing him sick.

Suddenly, the door opened a man stepped inside. The older dark eyed boy quickly stood up to his feet hiding the knife behind him.

"Evening sir."He greeted nervously.

The obviously old aged man sent him a quick glance. "Evening Victor."The man greeted him. "I didn't realize you were still here."He added.

"I was just keeping James, and Rosemarie company sir."Victor said.

"If that's alright."Victor muttered staring at the man.

"Very kindly. How are you feeling son?"The man questioned his 'son'. The young girl Rosemarie frowned slightly.

"Just a mild fever."He said feeling his 'son's' forehead.

The young boy let out a small laugh. "You always say that."He said.

The man was about to say something when yelling, and loud noises were heard.

"It's your father. He's drunk again you should help him up."The man said.

"It's not my name he's calling, sir."Victor said gritting his teeth together.

The man then rushed to his feet leaving the room.

"Father!"James the sick boy yelled.

"Stay here James...Rosemarie!"He called out.

The blonde girl jumped up in fright hearing people yelling.
"I'm scared."She cried. Victor walked up to the young girl, and wrapped her in his arms.

"Shush."He tried calming the little girl down. That was when the three of them heard even more yelling. It sounded like a cry for help. It was a womam. James, and Rosemarie's mother.

The little girl's crying turned to wailing. Sighing, Victor sat her down, and ran out the room. "Watch her!"He yelled to James.

James' breathing sped up as he sat in bed. He stared at his little sister. "Rose. Rose shush."He said to her.

Then a gun was heard.

James quickly jumped out of bed running downstairs. Scared of being alone Rosemarie followed her brother. They ran down the stairs only to see a sight that would forever haunt them.

When they finally made it downstairs James was left in shock, and Rosemarie was wailing even louder. Sobbing uncontrollably. Their 'father' dead in cold blood. The two children ran to their 'father'. Rosemarie cried saying "daddy" over, and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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