Chapter 13

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Shakira pov

He put his hands on his stomach and I saw the blood on his shirt.

I reached for my phone to call an ambulance.

N:Who are you calling?
S:An ambulance
N:No dont
S:Neymar are you crazy. Your loosing to much blood.
N:I deserve to die
S:Neymar dont say that

I called the ambulance and they arrived within 5 minutes. By now he's past out. I dont know what to do. I asked my neighbour to look after Milan and I went to the hospital with the ambulance.
They took him to the emergency room. I waited....and....waited......and......waited for 3 hours.

The doctor finally came and I ran to him.

S:Excuse me doctor what's happening? Is he ok?
D:He lost a lot of blood
S:But is he ok?
D:It took a long time but we stabalised him and removed the bullet. He is weak but ok. You can go see him.
S:Thank you.

I ran to his room and when I got there he was sleeping. I'm glad he's ok.

I sat next to he's bed and his eyes shot open he pulled back he's hand and gave me a confused look. I saw that he's heart was beating faster and faster.

S:Ney calm down
N:What? Who are you?
S:Ney dont play ok. This is serious
N:Who are you?
N:What am I doing here?
S:You seriously dont remember me.

I got up and went to the doctor.

S:Doctor something's wrong
D:What happened?
S:He doesnt remember me.
D:Oh I only received his results now. Its just temporary memory loss. He will remember his past piece by piece but rest assured he will remember dont worry.
S:What do I do in the meantime
D:You can show him pictures or anything that will help speed the process. It will help him a lot.
S:Ok thanks.

Neymar pov
I woke up in a strange room. A girl was holding my hand I snatched it from her. Who is she? I feel like I know her. She ran out of the room. She came back 5 minutes later. She sat in the chair again.

S:The doctor said that you have temporary memory loss.
N:You mean I know you
S:Yes but you'll remember soon dont worry. I'll help you.
N:Are you my girlfriend?
S:No but I am the mother of your son
N:I have a son?

Shakira pov

N:I have a son?

That bullet really affected him.

S:Yes he's name is Milan

I showed him a picture of Milan and he smilled at the sight of our little boy.(picture on top)

N:Will I see him soon
S:Yes when the hospital releases you. We live together.
N:I thought you werent my girlfriend
S:I'm not its a long story and I'll tell you when you get home. I have to go I left Milan with the neighbours.

Neymar pov
She left and I fell asleep thinking about this beautiful woman that is the mother of my child.

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