Goddess Girl- Chapter IIII

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A faint green light drifted to my eyelids, as I heard numerous noises around me. There was the steaming, high pitched noise that sounded like it was coming from a kettle. About a dozen birds sung to eachother somewhere behind me. As I tried to remember what had happened, and where I was, my brain pulsed and pain jutted through my consciousness. 

I attempted to sit up, but small hands pushed me back down onto the thick blankets I was laying on. I grumbled- only half awake. 

"Aye, aye, clam down. Rest your wee tired eyes- donna try to get up too early. You aren't ready yet, Mr. Gryffin." a slow soft voice whispered in my ear. She sounded impatient, almost motherly. Fen.

I yawned, and jolted up suddenly out of my cot. 

"Fen! What am I doing here?" My frantic voice obviously startled her. Her small form shook, she was sitting on her knees not too far away from my bedding.

My eyes suddenly took in everything around me.

We were in a room that had six walls, and a beautiful ballroom staircase. The walls were covered in moss, and little mushrooms grew from darker corners of the room. Small candles floated in the air, and some where mounted on odd crystalline structures that grew out of the walls. I looked up, seeing the winding top levels of the house go up and up. I couldn't even count how many there were. Some were lined with books, which were toppling over shelves. Melted wax stained their worn covers. Many looked about ready to crumble into dust.

Odd looking creatures gazed down at me from their small nooks- which happened to look like the knots in trees, and made funny faces at me. Their odd little noses twitched, and they looked like they were gossiping. As soon as they noticed my gaze, they scuttled back into the shadows.

A large window was to my left, and streams of golden light filtered through it's open panes. A wooden table curled around the corner, by the stairs, and was covered in all sorts of odd foods. The kitchen was overflowing with jars, papers, ink wells, odd wire contraptions, boxes, and many other items, of which at least half were unidentifiable. 

The floor was covered in moss, though there were a few places where tree bark peeked through the overgrown foliage. A fire crackled behind me, sending sparks flying a few feet from my bed. An old wooden broom with straw at the end sat next to the mantle. 

The various smells of baked goods and cheese wafted under my nose, as a small breeze found it's way through the window. My stomach responded, growling loudly. 

Fen giggled, and her face matched the homey glow of the room.

"Fen, where am I?" I asked, taking in more of the room. Everything was so...magical.

"Well, you're in my house. And as for your growling stomach," She smiled, "well, I've got a solution for that." Her delicate hand wrapped around mine and my heart skipped a beat. She pulled me gently out of my sleeping quarters, which happened to be made of two thick woven blankets and at least a dozen colorful pillows. A few mice gathered around where I had just been laying and decided to take residence of the comfy bed.

"Fen! There are mice in the bed, should I get them off?" I attempted to sound sure and strong, hoping to impress her. Instead, she scowled.

"Gryffin, leave the wee creatures alone. They're only lookin for a place to rest." Her gentle green eyes wafted over the small mice, who were all cuddled up in a pile on what had been my resting place.

I sighed. She was just so…so serene. But her emotions could flux, which was what I had to be aware of.

She led me to the kitchen, and I pulled out a chair for her to sit down. A dusty pink rose to her cheeks as she sat down by a massive loaf of bread and a large chunk of cheese. She offered me a plate, and a glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2011 ⏰

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