Chapter 23

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German's heart stopped.

Nobody was really shocked as this was expected sooner, or later.

Angie started crying, although she knew she shouldn't give up yet.

Why, you ask?

Because she and her friends could finally make an elixir which might can save German's life, but only after 30 seconds after his heart actually stopped.

William was looking at his watch since the second the machine went to a long beep until the 30 seconds passed.

At that moment he gave a needle of elixir to German.

- Now we're waiting... - he sighed as he also wanted it to work.

Meanwhile some others things were going on....

----- MEANWHILE -----

German woke up in a completely white place.

He was confused and didn't know what's going on, until he noticed someone familiar...

- Violetta... - he stuttered when he saw his daughter standing in front of him.

He wanted to cry and just hug her, but she stepped away from him.

- Vilu... What is it? - he asked.

- You shouldn't be here... - she said with a really sad expression on her face - You should be living...

- Did I die...?

Then another voice replied:

- Yes, German.

Turning around he saw his long dead wife, Maria standing behind him.

- This is not your place. Not yet - she continued.

- B-But... I have.... Nothing to live for... - he started crying - I don't want to live... Without any of you...

At this moment Maria slapped him hard on the face.

- What the hell are you talking about?! - she snapped.

- What about Angie? - Vilu added.

- Angie...?

Suddenly he heard crying and even though he didn't see who it was he knew it was Angie.

- German, she loves you... - Maria smiled - And you can also feel what I feel, right?

He really did feel something weird, running through his body.

Something that made him feel weird.

- You have to live! You have to wake up! - said both women at the same time.

- But then... I can't see you... Anymore...

- We'll always be here, dad... In your heart... - Violetta smiled which made him cry even more, but he also realized he wants to get back to Angie.

----- BACK TO ANGIE -----

Angie was looking into the room, trying to figure out what's going on, until with a huge gasp German suddenly shot up in the bed, then panted.

The action made the nurses jump while the doctors were staring in shock.

William looked towards Angie and just smiled.

He was in shock, but happy too.

- What's... Happening?! - German panted.

- You came back to life, buddy - William replied.

- Am I alive?!

- Yes.

- Is this the real world?!

- Probably yes.

- That's good - he sighed as he fall back to bed, staring the ceiling, still not believing the fact that he was alive.

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