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The world of Luminosity was considered the perfect median of light and darkness. It was a world that was permanently stuck in twilight. Its people were divided into two; the people of the light and the people of darkness. Their world was peaceful and to this world was born a child with a special gift.

Her heart was in perfect balance with the two clashing elements for her heart was half-light and half-darkness. She was a kind hearted child that greeted everyone with a smile and a kind gesture. But the balance of Luminosity was ever so slowly tipping to the darkness.

It finally fell when the child was ten years of age and the darkness over took the land. It brought black creatures with large yellow eyes to the world and they devoured it and the people. The child was spared her peoples fate, instead she was trapped within the abyss of darkness.

The light within her heart kept her from sinking into the darkness and the heartless that devoured her world began taking care of her. They’d bring her food from worlds that they were trying to devour or ones they had already succeeded in devouring.

She was alone in the darkness for four long years until he found her. He had been traveling through the darkness and spotted her due to an aura of light that surrounded her figure. He watched her for a short time; noting how thin and dirty she was before he approached her.

Her internal instincts screamed for her to hiss at this man whose face was covered in red bandages, but she just smiled kindly at him. Her eyes had sparkled to life when this man offered her a way out of the never ending abyss she was in. There was a catch; she had to help him extract his revenge upon a group that had wronged him.

She agreed eagerly; not even knowing exactly what she had agreed to in the first place. The man introduced himself as DiZ and kept his promise of getting her out of the abyss. He also provided her with a good bath, a hot meal and a place to sleep.

This man did not stay in one place for very long as he was trying to stay out of his enemies grasp. He gave her a new name that stemmed from the initials of her real name; her new name was Kit. She didn’t care about her name being changed, nor the fact that she had to constantly move from place to place.

With each new place there were new questions and she voiced them at first, but after a few months she quit voicing her inquiries; for she never got an answer anyways. It was a few months after meeting DiZ that she found out she could summon what he called a keyblade. A few months later and she found out it could change its form into two other weapons.

DiZ finally decided to explain a few things to her after the whole keyblade summoning; he explained what weapons were and about the heartless and nobodies. She absorbed that knowledge and continued on her journey with DiZ.  It was a year and a half after DiZ had found her that they stumbled upon a distorted castle called Castle Oblivion.

And this is where her story begins……….

Behind the Scenesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن