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Kit’s POV

I’ve been so content the past few weeks and Namine has helped me to understand a few things I didn’t know. DiZ gave me a different mission today and I had to leave Namine’s side to come check out this big house in Twilight Town. DiZ called it a mansion, so does mansion mean a bigger house than most? The gates have a big lock on them, but I slipped through the gate bars easily. I didn’t feel any one’s presence, and as I walked up the stone path I can tell that no one has been her for a long time. The pillars and statues are all cracked and busted along with the walk way to the entrance. I nudged the door open and walked inside only to find a bigger mess.

This place was empty and in ruins, but as I checked the upstairs bedrooms I found quit the surprise. There were three bedrooms that looked as if they had never been touched. One of them was so white it made my eyes hurt for everything and I mean everything inside it was solid white. The other two had colored walls and different colored floors and even the furniture was different colors, but they all matched. I made my way back down the stairs and found a room full of books on shelves. The shelves lined the walls and as I searched the room I could feel that something was off. I opened a dark corridor and made it reappear down below that room’s floor. There was a whole other level down there as if someone had built a hideaway.

I found a computer room and even another empty room, one that was big enough for the pod Sora was sleeping in to be placed. I opened the corridor of darkness again and when I walked out I was in the yard around back. It was a horrible mess, but there was a small sign of life in a small patch of flower that just weren’t gonna give up. I rechecked the mansion before going through a corridor and going back to Castle Oblivion. I switched forms as I walked into the room where Namine sat with her sketch pad on her lap.

“The mansion was completely empty. There’s enough room there for all of us and there is a hidden underground level that has a room big enough for the pods.” I informed DiZ who nodded, but he never would look at me when I was in this form.

“Very well, we shall move our operation to Twilight Town tonight.” DiZ informed us tightly as he walked past me and out of the room.

“Why not move everything now?” I inquired quietly knowing he couldn’t hear me.

We had almost been found by the Organization just a few days ago, but luckily something else caught their attention. To move our operation we would have to use the dark corridors and with a smile to Namine I opened one. She gave me a questionable look and I shook my head before concentrating on the pod Sora was in. In a matter of seconds a corridor opened beneath it and swallowed it only to spit it back out in a room near identical to the one we had had the pod in. I did the same for the other two pods and then sent Namine through the corridor. I left the corridor open for DiZ and followed after Namine. Namine and I ended up in the room with Sora’s pod and I freaked when I couldn’t find the other two. I had to calm myself down enough that I could feel the presence of the other two who were sleeping.

“I almost gave myself a heart attack.” I informed Namine who giggled at the idea as we both walked out of the room. “So, what’s a mansion suppose to be?” I inquired as I lead her through the computer room and then into the room below the room with all those books.

“It’s just a really big and fancy house; it’s not big enough to be a castle, but not little enough to be considered a normal house.” Namine informed me with a smile as I tried to figure out how to make the floor above us open.

“What do you call a room full of books and shelves?” I inquired making her laugh as I hit a hidden button and the floor opened.

“A library.” Namine informed me and I started to ask why it was called that, but stopped when I felt another presence in the mansion. 

Namine stepped behind me as I tensed and summoned my blade to my hand. My blade was a weird looking keyblade made up of seven hollow hearts with a broken heart keychain. It was a simple black and white blade and it was way sharper than it looked. I made it change its shape to a black and white hand gun which I aimed at the door way we had just walked through. I didn’t recognize the presence until I saw exactly who it was. DiZ was standing in the door way with his one eye questioning me as his lips sat in a firm line.

“Is there a reason you have a gun directed in my direction?” DiZ inquired and I dismissed the weapon all together as Namine stepped out from behind me.

“I thought I felt a different presence, but I guess I was wrong.” I told him simply as I turned and made my way up the stair case in front of me.

“Kit, are you alright?” Namine’s concerned voice hit my ears lightly and I smiled at her.

“Yeah, my senses get a little wacky when I use that much darkness.” I informed her which made her smile as I lead her through the mansion to the white room.

Namine smiled at me again and I couldn’t help, but bounce up the stairs just to make her laugh. I had figured out the day I made Riku laugh that I loved to hear the laughter of others. I had to stop at the top of the stair case for I nearly lost my balance as a wave of dizziness and sickness came over me. I hated when this happened and it happens every time I use too much darkness or too much light at once. Namine told me it was my heart balancing things out again after I freaked her out and DiZ examined my heart. DiZ was baffled by my heart, because he said it was as if it was split in two halves one half being the pure essence of darkness while the other was the pure essence of light. Namine had placed her hand on my shoulders in worry, but I only smiled at her as I shook it off and we continued down the hall.

The white room would do well for Namine for it has a large table in the center of the room and a bed in the corner. She nodded to me as she went over to the table and placed her sketch pad down on it. The room was just too bland for my taste and before Namine could register what I was doing I tacked one of the pictures she had recently finished up on the wall. A smile lit up Namine’s face as she took some more of the pictures from her sketch book and we placed them randomly around the room before I left to explore my own room. I already knew that DiZ would want me in the room closest to Namine and that was the door I pushed open. The walls of this room started out red at the top and faded to orange near the bottom. The floor was of an orange hued carpet that felt more like rough tile if you asked me. The bed was off to the side and I was thankful that the blankets were of a dark maroon color instead of the pure white that was in Namine’s room.

The furniture itself was made of white oak and there was one window that had a wide frame in which there was a cushion that one could sit or sleep on. The first thing I did after looking the room over was jump straight in the center of the bed which caused it to groan in protest. My plunge onto bed also released a large cloud of dust which has caused me to go into a sneezing fit. I should probably explain that when I go into a sneezing fit I rapidly change forms which takes a lot out of me. Once I overed my sneezing fit I was in my fox form in the middle of the bed with my eyes barely opened. I barely registered DiZ’s heavy footsteps going past my door as my eyes fell shut and I drifted off to sleep.

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