New Faces

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Kit’s POV


I don’t like this place with all its white emptiness which hurts my eyes. I’m so use to the black and purple swirling darkness that this place just makes me feel uneasy. DiZ is the only reason I am here for he said that there was an ally here. It’s funny though for I have no clue what an ally is and DiZ quit answering my questions oh so long ago. DiZ, he saved me from the darkness and I have been following him ever since. I’ve been by his side learning what I could of the world’s we went to and trying to piece together just how I got where I was. So, here I am walking a board that lines the ceiling of this white walled room watching a girl with light yellow hair. That was what DiZ told me to do.


“Watch the witch.” He had snapped at me for no reason as he pointed me in the direction of this girl.


Is it weird that I have no idea what a witch is? Or maybe that’s this girl’s name? It’s all kind of confusing to me and there are so many things people say that I just don’t understand. DiZ says I’m a child in a teen’s body and that I am unique because I can change my form. DiZ says a lot of things though and he uses these weird words that I have never heard before. DiZ is within another room of this castle and I helped him just a little while ago to free an oversized mouse that walks on two feet and talks like a human from the realm in between light and darkness. That is a really creepy place and it makes me feel so weird, but then when I return to a normal world I feel sick.


This yellow haired girl that I have been watching she keeps talking to this large white flower looking thing which has inside it a boy with brown spiky hair. The boy is sleeping, recovering his memories as I heard her say to him before he decided to get in the thing and go to sleep. I can’t feel her emotions which is weird, because I can normally feel others emotions. The boy though, he has an over powering aurora of light around him which is clashing with the growing dark aurora I can feel heading this way. I really am bored for this girl isn’t doing anything except watching that boy of light sleep. I wonder if I went down there if she would answer some of my questions, but then DiZ told me not to get close to her.


I wonder why he is so cautious of her or why he dislikes her so much. The dark presence I felt is getting closer and truthfully I wanna see just who it is that carries this aurora. I don’t feel the kind of darkness that the heartless carry, but I do feel a deep darkness that is trying and failing to smother the little light this presence has. Another boy has enter the room this one has silver hair and he’s talking to the witch. They are talking and even though I can hear what they are saying I’m truly not listening. I did catch their names from what little I did hear though. The girl with yellow hair is called Namine, the sleeping boy is named Sora and the silver haired boy is called Riku. Riku, he just turned something Namine offered down and she seems happy about, but again I can’t feel her emotions, but I can feel the storm of emotions running through Riku.


I made up my mind that I wanted to meet Namine face to face so I waited until the silver haired boy walked out of the room and back down the hall. I waited until I could no longer hear his footsteps then proceeded to jump from my perch. My feet hit the dark grey floor which had green glowing gashes in a circle formation starting from the base of the flower thing and going outward. She jumped in surprise from my sudden appearance as I walked over to stand in front of her. In a small burst of light I changed forms and watched as her eyes widened for a moment. My hair felt weird like it was tangled, but I ignored it as I stared into her pure blue eyes.

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