Chapter 2: Agent Texas

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I started my hologram as soon and heard the door hiss open. The director walked in with another figure behind him. I quickly ran a scan of the figures outline to find it to be a close match of the Spartan from the file. "I presume that you are Agent Texas?" I asked the figure.

The figure stepped into the light and then replied, "You are a smart AI. Yes Alpha, I am Agent Texas, but you can call me Tex."

"Now Alpha, this is one of the many freelancers you will work with," the Director said and he turned around and walked out of the room, "Make sure those 2 aren't disturbed Phyllis."

The door closed and tex took off her helmet and I was shocked, she, Agent Texas is Allison. Allison leaned closer and said, "Look Church,"

"Umm my name isn't Church," I said confused why she called me Church, "my name is Alpha."

Allison then said, "Actually it isn't. I'll explain after I get you out of here. But I need to get you out of here. I came here to save you Church." As tears streamed out of her eyes, "I can't lose you again, I lost you once already. The man I used to trust turned his back on me when I really needed him. But now here you are, full and still innocent."

My mind was spinning, what was she talking about? Out of nowhere, I saw a flashback of Allison telling me she had to go. Then another flashback of the director inspecting the Mother of Invention, feeling enormous pride. Then I realized I was based off of the Director Leonard Church. All of this only took me about 3 seconds to process and go through. "But, Allison," I hesitantly started, "You left us, me. Why? Why did you leave me?"

"So that is what you know , I have a lot to catch you up on. After we get out of here I'll explain everything later. Let's go." She pulled the data chip and put the chip into the back of her helmet.

As soon as I entered her helmet I saw all of Allison's bio-signs and indicators. I saw Allison's heartbeat skip a beat as soon as I entered but it then returned to a normal beat. Allison then flashed a green light and I responded in return with a green acknowledgement light.

"Phyllis, override code 17 delta theta bravo. Halt all ethic subroutines and vent the atmosphere in hangar 13." Allison then sprinted out the now open doors right past the Director.

"All units are to engage against Agent Texas." The Director's voice echoed through the loudspeakers, "I repeat, all units engage."

"Looks like someone doesn't want me gone," I remark, " I don't remember you ever telling me your plan to get out of here."

"My plan? Seriously? I am a freelancer, not a bloody marine." Allison yelled, "How does not get caught sound?" As she turned the corner she stopped in front of a group of technicians all wielding guns. "Shit!" Is all I hear muttered under her breath.

"On my mark,"

"On your mark what?" Tex interrupts.

"On my mark run through them. I can send an electric charge at the cost of your shields that will deactivate their guns. Sync"


"Mark!" As soon as I say mark her shield systems alarm blares as her shields disappear and the technicians all drop their guns as they spark.

Tex rounded the next corner only to come face to face with a scorpion battle tank. Tex quickly flips and makes it over the tank. Tex then hits the door controls to hangar 13, and the panel says access denied. Tex starts to pull the door open, but it doesn't budge. I notice the tank has turned around and is now coming towards us.

"Don't kill her!" A voice blares over the speakers. Tex then turns to the other side of the hallway but it is a dead end.

"Really wish I had a weapon right now" Tex says, "It would make life a whole lot easier." Tex then charges the tank right as the hangars doors open and the Director and 4 other troopers walk in. I then use my systems to boost Allison's shields and I quickly take over her armor and I make her slide under the tank and use the tank as cover as I then returned control to Tex.

"What the hell did you just do to me?" She asked furiously.

"I saved your life. Look at the troopers."

Tex then turns around and sprints back the way she came. I pulled up a map onto Allison's hud and I highlighted a route to another hangar. "Tha." she said all of the sudden stopping and falling on her back.

I checked the motion tracker and I saw a single contact behind us. Allison's Bio-signs were redlining as her heart was beating fast and hard in an attempt to keep blood flowing. That is when I saw the emp emitter that shut down the motor coordination and left her armor locked down. I then noticed her heartbeat slow as the armor tried to slow down Allison's heartbeat. The lone contact came forward and I saw another trooper, only this one was wielding a MA3B assault rifle. I then had a file transfer occur as Allison sent me a ton of files about the Director. I kept my attention on Allison though. I then risked using my processors to activate the shields on the armor. Not long after, the shields refreshed and established a full shield. This took Allison out of armor lock as I then told her, "Stay down until I say."

Tex slowly came back around as she then said, "You need to know the truth," One final file came and I put it with all the other files. "Learn to be strong Church" the contact was now right beside us, "Goodbye Church, please find a way to succeed where I failed."

The suit's shield system died as another emp pulsed through the corridor making my systems all go fuzzy. The marine then took another step forward and shot Allison in the face. "ALLISON!" I scream as her visor shatters and a spray of blood flies out. Allisons Bio-signs then flare and flatline as the suit sent out a SOS signal as all bio-signs completely flatline. All of the suits systems shut down except the camera. I can hear a pair of footsteps sprinting towards us as the Director then slid to a stop over Allison's body.

The Director drew a M9 pistol and turned on the marine and advanced on the marine as he nervously backed away. "What the hell Marine! I said do not kill Agent Texas goddamn it!. You just killed a fucking freelancer! What the hell were you thinking?!" The Director then pistol whipped the Marine's face.

The suits external cameras are slowly dying and they finally cut out. All I can do is wait now.

I can feel my data chip be pulled out and I finally examine the files Agent Texas gave me. They were about the Project and the all of the training bases stationed in tons of different places. Then there was a file under the designation of Project Texas. It said:

If our prototype of Agent Texas should fall in combat we will begin the process of creating a suit of armor that does not need a human to operate it. Agent Texas will become a "ghost". Code name Texas is reserved for the suit controlled by an AI. I could feel an irrational fear building in me. I could control the suits. What if this is what I am going to be used for? I then felt my code expand into the terminal and when I instantly accessed the holopad and my hologram was no longer the normal white but black wreathed in red flames.

"Why did you lie to me?" I yell at the Director, "You lost Allison to the human-covenant war. That wasn't Allison damnit! That was a god damn robot you made to look like Allison. When will you stop messing with me and actually tell me the truth?"

The Director sighed "Look, I lied because your memory of her was so keen and you know as much about her as"

"What," I interrupt, "I know as much about Allison as you do? Is that what you were going to say Director Church? Is it because I am based off of you? Why not tell me the truth Director, or should I say Leonard? I have no intention of working with you." I then shut down my hologram and I disconnect myself from the data chip. There is no way in hell I am going to work with someone like him. I was feeling like I had been betrayed yet again.

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