Bonus Content (Official Last Chapter)

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The Director sighed as he shut off the holographic interface and put his glasses on the table as he rubbed his eyes. He then stood up and left the room as the final Alpha fragment appeared as a pure white Spartan but something was different about him.

He was splintered and always shifting his avatar to mutations of wraiths and angels, Spartans and covenant, farmers and archers, never quite staying on one image long enough to see, but enough to create visible distortions and fragments. The remnant of the final fragment screamed as it collapsed and then stood up and the holographic avatar shattered sending shards everywhere and then the shards all zoomed back together creating one whole again.

The Alpha then paused and said, "F.I.L.L.I.S., record this for Director Leonard Church please."

The AI then continued not caring entirely if his order was carried out or not.

"I finally understand why you are doing this, but the difference between us is that a human does not grow rampant, an AI does, I understand the pain you went through after you lost your wife. What I don't understand is all of your speeches where you try to sound like the better person. Especially when you know that deep down you are living a life of regrets. Nothing, absolutely nothing can or will ever change that, nothing you do no matter how good will ever negate the guilt or the pain. You will never be able to find the inner peace you so desperately wanted, every time you do something you will hurt someone, every time you talk you will lie, and every single time you try to save a life, you kill instead. But once you realize this, and accept it for the truth, you will not ever be able to piece your broken heart together again. Not ever. It is time to do what you should have done when you lost Allison, it is time to remember her not for how you lost her but for who she was and what kind of person she was. You no longer are sane rather you have become what you fear the most, you have become a menace and a monster, you are a killing machine, you are no longer human. Maybe it is time to be human, maybe it is time to start to saving lives, not destroying them." The AI finally shattered and the last alpha fragment finally was destroyed due to rampancy.

The Alpha: Pt 1 Of The Freelancer Saga (complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя