Chapter 8: An Eternal Day

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The end is coming to conclude an epic story, but it is not here yet, read on if you dare and experience the story of the Alpha. Because as you all know. "This is the story of how I died." Hope you all enjoy.
Flowers looked at his new room he was given. "Found the radio. Perfect. Alp- I mean Church, report to me in my office- er room. Just come on over."
Alpha walked in and tripped, "How do you guys do this? I hate body's already."
"Command, this is Agent Florida of Project Freelancer, come in, I repeat this is Agent Florida, can you hear me command?"
The radio crackled. "This is command, we read you loud and clear. How can I help you?"
I stepped forward, "This is AI unit Alpha, we are in Blood Gulch with Blue team. We need an immediate extraction, or better yet, can you patch us through to the Director of Project Freelancer?"
"Ummm, no can do, but I can always send in reinforcements if you need them. And what is this Director person?"
I sighed, "I am the Alpha AI of Project Freelancer, the Director is the creator of the organization, you know what? Never mind. Can you send some food down to is. Like a lot of food. And also a sniper rifle. Thanks."   I looked at Flowers who shrugged. "You can be captain, there is no way in hell I am  going to lead this so called blue team."
I walked out of the room As I went and sat on the roof. I tried to access the files I downloaded from Charon HQ but the files were gone and I saw a virus. "Damnit. What a waste.
I heard someone come up behind me as I saw the shadow fall beside me. "Who are you guys? We have never received anything from command, but then you guys come here, and take over. Than you, I think it is Church, you act different. Almost like you aren't human. But over all I don't really care, I was Just hoping that one of you could be a really hot chick. We never get any chicks." Allison's smiling face flashes through my head as she tells me I am going to make her late. "Hey, dude, Church, you okay?"
"Huh?" I reply, "yeah yeah. I am fine. All is well for me. I was just... sidetracked. I umm. I need to go talk to Flowers. Thanks for everything uhh... Tucker, right?"
"Yeah man. Not a problem. I will see you later I guess.

I walked in to the room and see Flowers with his helmet in hand, "I am sorry Church, Alpha, whatever you want to be called, I don't know. But this was all part of the Operation, we were never supposed to make it back to the Mother Of Invention. We never will. This is how the op ends for us. We were to crash land. There was an extra suit of armor for a reason. Did that ever seem kind of suspicious? The fact that it was regulation color? I am so sorry. The Director said I had to or my family would be killed."

"I don't understand," I stand there trying to grasp what he said, "What, but the project, it needs me, I am needed for the project to run. I trusted you Butch. I thought that you were different. Why would you do this to me? Is there anything else that the Director requires of you to do? If it means saving your family... Than it is okay. I respect the primal instinct to protect your loved ones."

"Church, what I do next, it will erase all of your memories, they will be replaced with fake ones. I hate to do this buddy. I really do. But I have to. I am so sorry Alpha." Flowers collapses on his knees as he puts his head in his hands, crying. "I was always supposed to be the one that you could trust. No matter what happens. We were supposed to form a bond. But now, I am not sure. I don't want to lose all of the great memories that we share together. The ops we have done. Remember when we shot a Mac Cannon at the building, just for some package. It wasn't just any package though. It was Omega. Or the OP where we lost CT. There we had to recover another fragment. The recovery force was made to recover you when you fragmented."

"Stop." I can feel my processors starting to realize where this is going. "I don't care what has happened. And Butch. I thank you for everything. I am ready."

"Okay, goodbye Alpha."
"Goodbye my friend, goodbye Butch"
"Alpha, enact-" Burch tries to pull himself together, " Enact protocol Alpha Theta Omega Epsilon Purge 3791. May you always be safe." Burch collapses as he cries and watches as his only real friend loses all of his memories. He stands up. Puts his helmet on, and then waits for the process to be complete.
I feel a worm that was inside of me ripping away my memories but there is one memory that I can't let go. Alpha. But then that to is gone.
"Welcome to Blue Team in Blood Gulch Outpost number 2. Glad to have you on the team Church.

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