Chapter 2

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As she started driving her way to the diner a voice told to turn around and go back home. Another told her to go and see Robin the traitor.Her mind went back and forth. Soon she didn't have any control over her own thoughts and when she escaped back to reality, it was too late. She slammed her foot on the brakes, but did her no good. She crashed into another car and her vision went black. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes to hours. Regina was still unconscious. It was hours until help finally arrived. The driver in the car was already gone. They pry the door off Regina's car and try to quickly remove her from the damaged vehicle before she was gone too. As the ambulance took Regina to the hospital, the town gossiper, Leroy ran into the diner and told everyone about the wreckage. Robin's face turned pale and he dashed out of the building rushing to the hospital.

"Where is she?!" Panic took over his voice. He ran towards the front desk."Where is Regina Mills?!"

"In surgery." Snow says pulling Robin off to the side.

"What happened to her?"

"She got in an accident." Snow looks down then sits, making him sit beside her. His hands shook uncontrollably. Snow's hands began to go the same."Robin why are you here?" She blurted out.

"A second chance." He whispered. Snow looks into his gentle ocean blue eyes seeing a mixture of fear, regret and most importantly,love. He loved Regina. She could see it in his eyes and Regina loved him. "And to get Regina back." He says standing up and begins pacing back and forth.

" Robin calm down. She'll be okay. She's Regina." He stops then hurries to the front desk desperate to get an update on Claire.

"She's just coming out of surgery Mr. Hood" Explains the nurse.

"I want to see her now."

"Soon Mr. Hood. Soon." He nodded sadly and walked back towards Snow. The heart breaker, now the heartbroken sat down and felt his palms begin to sweat and his legs began to tremble. He was terrified.

"Robin-" Snow places her hand on his leg and stares into his eyes. "She's going to be okay." She says calmly. Robin took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind and keep positive hoping she'll be okay.

"I'm such a jerk." He says to the woman beside him.

"Yes you are." Snow whispers. "But you did come back. You know she still has feelings for you right? She has never admitted it but I know love when I see it." She smiles. Robin looks up and slightly smiles back.

"She loves me?" He whispers in shock

"She never stopped Robin." Snow says as she stands up. The nurse walks over and smiles.

"Mrs.Mills is awake now if you would like to see her. But, I want to warn you, her memory is slowly returning and she is still a little tired." She shyly smiles at the end.

Robin's heart sank to his stomach. She might not remember him? She might not love him. Robin stayed seated as his mind trailed off while Snow left with the nurse, leaving him behind to gather his thoughts. As the two women walk into her room, Snow's eyes begin to fill with tears, walking closer towards Regina's bed, with the nurse following behind her.

"Regina?Darling? Can you hear me?" She asks calmly. Regina slowly tries to open her eyes. Multiple times after trying, she succeeds and gets blinded by the light above her head. Snow smiles and laughs lightly.Regina focuses on the woman in front of her.

"Regina?Can you hear me? It's me Snow." Snow blinked and her eyes immediately filled with tears. She felt a cold hand grasp hers and she smiled weakly.

"Regina, Robin's here..." Snow said with a shaky whisper.

"Robin?"She asks a little confused. The nurse frowns as she writes on Regina's status board and leaves the room to talk with the other doctors.

"Regina?Do you remember me?" she asked softly

"Of course I do. You're my second least favorite person on earth."The mayor retorts hastily.

"Who's your least favorite?" She inquired stupidly

Regina gives a sour look towards Snow and rolls her eyes. "Who do you think?" She stated sarcastically. Snow sighs and nods.

"He's here Regina, I can make him leave if you want." She suggests sitting in the chair beside the bed.

"Please."She sighs laying back down and closing her eyes. Snow smiles and leaves the room to go find Robin. A couple minutes later with her eyes still closed, Regina hears footsteps enter her room. "Snow?Did you get rid of him?"

"Get rid of whom?" He implied standing at the end of her bed. Regina's eyes open immediately and she sits up quickly, groaning at the huge head rush she received. "Robin Get Out!!!!!" She hollers

"Regina..."He grabs her arm and she stares into his apologetic eyes. Regina lets a tear fall as she pulls her arm away fast.

"Robin get out!" Her voice begins to crack while tears stream down her cheeks.

"Regina listen," He begins sadly.

"I said get out!"

"Regina.I love you." He says gazing into her tear filled eyes.

"Well I don't love you. Not anymore." She mutters and looks back at him.

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