Chapter 1

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Ashlynn on the side

"Is that everything?" My mom asks as she puts my final bag into the car. Hey, my name is Ashlynn Hayley Granton and I'm about to go to a two month summer camp.

The summer camp is for different careers paths and I want to be a psychologist. Now let me tell you more about myself.

I'm about 5 '3 and have long blonde hair. I'm 16 years old and I'm kind of prissy. At my school i'm known as the most popular girl in the entire school. I'm kind of known for getting what I want no matter what it takes, even if it means pushing other people out of my way to get it. 

I could see myself being categorized as a "mean girl." I have a lot in common with Regina George, except for one crucial thing.

I am homosexual. That's right. I'm attracted to girls. I'm gay. I'm a lesbian. I like the vajayjay. The biscuit. I am not strictly dickly. 

No one knows this of course. I can't have my reputation ruined, I've gone far enough to hide my sexuality that I have a boyfriend. It's not that I'm afraid to come out, it's just I know I will be looked at differently if I do. I guess I'm pretty good at hiding it too, because nobody suspects a thing.

Anyways back to my story. My mom signed me up for a camp so I can "further my experience in the psychology field." I honestly don't care. I'm just happy she didn't sign me up for boot camp or something like that. 

"How far away is this camp anyways?" I ask my mom as she starts driving. 

"About two hours away." She says without making eye contact with me.

I plug my headphones into my phone. Looks like this will be two long  hours of just me listening to my music.  I end up waking with my mom shaking me. "We're here honey." She says excitedly. I honestly think she's just happy to get me out of the house. 

I start to open the car door when she quickly shuts it. "Before you leave I want to go over some things with you. Please for god sakes Ashlynn can you please tone down your prissyness. Even for a few days. You're a wonderful daughter and an awesome person, I just don't want them to get the wrong idea about you."

I huff, but don't argue with her. I know that I'm prissy, it's one of the things I love about myself. I get out of the car and take in my surroundings. It looks like this place is a college. "Hey mom?" I ask. "Where are we?"

My mom who has moved to the trunk says "We're at Clover College."

Yep I was right, as usual. This is a college. As my mom finishes taking out my bags I look at myself in the car mirror.

I'm wearing a cute blue and pink floral crop top, with a black leather jacket. With some blue wedges. "Let's get all of this inside." My mom says struggling to carry all of my bags.

I decide to help her, but not before applying some lip gloss. You never know who's watching.

We start walking over to the giant welcome sign and before we can even start to walk up the stairs someone steps in front of us.

It's a girl.

Well I think it's a girl. She looks very masculine. I have to admit it's kind of hot. She's giving me hella Ruby Rose vibes. 

"Hi, my name is Kelsey." The girl says. "Can I help you with your bags?"

Without saying anything I just put everything that I'm holding onto her hands. She's cute but she's not cute enough for me to treat her better than anyone else. You have to be super hot before I even  consider actually being somewhat nice to you. 

I show a quick smile and mutter a thanks remembering to keep my prissyness in check. The girl smiles back and start walking in front of my mom and I. We stop walking at a desk where this girl wearing glasses asks me to fill out some papers.

Ashlynn vs Kelsey(Lesbian gxg)Where stories live. Discover now