p a r t. 2

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Ariana's POV
I woke up at 7:00 am because of stupid school. School started at 8:30 but I just like to go early because I go in the library to do some work or extra credit.

I stood up and went in my bathroom to shower because it was really cold and I just wanted to shower in really warm water.

I finished showing and got out, for my outfit I just wore some adidas joggers and white converse. I wore a white hoodie and put my hair into a high pony tail. 

I went to my little brothers room to wake him.

"Hey Anthony" I whispered shaking him lightly.

He began moving and he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning buddy" he said hugging me.

"Hey sleepy head, how'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"Good ninja, I had a dream that I was a super ninja turtle!" He said all happy.

"Really? That's cool" I said messing with his hair.

"Um sis? Don't be mad at me but I forgot to, to tell you that I had a party in my class" he said playing with his fingers.

"Oh no it's okay, here lets get you dressed and I'll take you to the store so that you can pick out any thing you want for your classroom" I said picking him up.

I walked him to his closet and chose his outfit which was a minion shirt, jeans, and his little slip-in vans.

I walked him down stairs and I gave him Oreo cookies and a glass with milk.

I prepared a yogurt and grabbed my stuff and left.

I buckled Anthony and I checked the time '7:30'.

"Hey Anthony?" I said.

"Yes" he said.

"Are you excited to go to Tia's (aunt) house? I asked him.

"Yes! I'm going to show her my hulk gloves!" He said smiling.

"You know what? That sounds like a great idea buddy" I said smiling at him through the mirror.

My aunt likes to take care of my little brother because she also has a younger son that's also 5, so they get along well.

She usually takes them to Chucky E. Cheese on Tuesdays.

I arrived at the little store that we had like 5 blocks away from our house.

"Hurry up Anthony, what do you want for your class?" I said, holding his hand walking into the cookies area.

"OHH OREOS, OREOS, OREOS" he said pointing at them.

"Okay" I grabbed the cookies and we made our way to the cashier.

"Will his be it?" she said. 

"Yes, please" I said.

I gave her a $10 and told her to keep the change.

I arrived at my brothers daycare and walked him in.

"Okay, now, you're going to behave right?" I asked squatting down to his size.

"Yes I am" he said smiling.

"Okay buddy, hope you have fun, I'll pick you up so that I can take you to Tia's house okay?" I said to him.

He just nodded

"Okay Anthony go with your class buddy, oh and here are your cookies" I said.

He took them and he ran back to me giving me a hug which instantly put a smile on my face.

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