Chapter II

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Three weeks later.

Once John was all set to be released and had done all the proper tests he was cleared to be released from the hospital. John went to his home and sent e-mails to his family members regarding his moving to Independence and that he will visit when he can, which would not be often. He packed his all his belongings, but donated many things to a local mission. John did not pack too much, but enough to fill his Travers completely full. Just enough room for him to get in and drive safely.

Once he finished packing he took one last look at his home where so much love and family time had taken place. He drove to the nearest harbor where a boat would take him and his Traverse to Independence. The ride would take several days, but he was in no hurry.

After several days of being on a boat, John was ready to get back on land. The sailor's life was not for him. The boat arrived at the EastHarbor. John thanked the captain and drove away. The city was bigger than he envisioned. The traffic wasn't near as bad as it was in New York City, making for a smooth travel through the city. John was to meet at the Holiday Inn for his living quarters. He thought it odd that he would be going to a hotel instead of an apartment. The hotel was located near the center of the city, which required John to drive a little while, less than half an hour.

John arrived at the hotel. In the last thirty minutes he witnessed two police officers pulling someone over or some kind of police action. Even in a brand new city crime is already brewing. He drove into the parking garage beneath the hotel. There were two levels and he chose the top one with the first vacancy.

John parked his car and locked it as he proceeded to the elevator. John stepped in the elevator and pushed the button for the first floor. He noticed there were six levels. The elevator rose to the first floor and the door opened. John stepped out and turned left and headed toward the front desk where a receptionist sat and Richard Cromwell was waiting. Immediately to his left was a swimming pool surrounded by glass walls. To his right was a library and waiting area. The TV was playing the news of all things. To the right of the reception desk was a door that led to the continental breakfast room. On either side of the desk was a hall for rooms. On the left of the desk was the elevator for to get to the upper floors. There was a second elevator for security reasons, John thought.

Cromwell turned and saw John coming to him. "John, welcome to Independence. This is Sarah. She is the receptionist here."

"Hi," John said to her with a sideways grin. "You're probably wondering why you are here instead of an apartment."

"The thought had occurred to me."

"Well we thought we would give you a special treatment with your past and recent experiences. So, we took the liberty of taking a hotel room that was meant for two people and made it livable for one person with all the fixtures. There is a kitchen, so you should be all set. You are welcome to the continental breakfast every morning. Your rent will be just as you were at an apartment. We will take care of your first months rent for you, so don't worry about that. If there is anything else you require, just call the front desk or me." Cromwell patted John on the shoulder and left the hotel. Sarah handed John his card key and a card that had four numbers on it-4427. "Your room door has a card key lock and a numbered lock for extra security and comfort. You do have to do use both or the door won't open. Use the card first to unlock the numbered pad and then type the numbers on the pad to get in. Would you like me to show you your room?"

"Uh, no thank you. I'll be all right. Thanks."

John took the cards and used the elevator to get to the fourth floor. His room number was 452. John stepped out of the elevator and turned left. With two separate hallways making a t-junction he observed that he needed to turn right. A few doors down was room 452. His heavy footsteps were muffled by the carpet. John stood at a height of six foot two inches. John stuck the card key in the slot and pulled it out. The keypad lit green and John pushed in the four digit code. The door clicked and he opened the door. He placed the keys in his coat pocket.

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