Chapter VI

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Eckhart woke up around eight in the morning. He did the same routine every day. It did not bother him. It gave him peace of mind doing the same thing every morning. It made life seem more normal and having a schedule helped. He got dressed, showered, shaved, headed down to breakfast, ate, read the newspaper, and left for the precinct.

He made his way to Franklin's office where Franklin and Louis were waiting. "Congratulations, John. You completed your mission. We can all breathe a sigh of relief now."

"We have also got a lead on that Monopoly killer. It appears that the bullets used in the weapon to kill the victims were all military. We were able to trace all the bullets to the same gun, and it appears that the weapon came from Palmer Industries."
"Well, thank you, both of you, but there is something else that you may want to know about." Both Louis and Franklin looked at each other and then back at Eckhart.

"Please, by all means, share," said Franklin.

"Before I killed Marino, he and Palmer were having a discussion that I listened in on. It turns out that Marino and Palmer were working together. For what purpose I don't know. But it looks like Marino was going to be getting many supplies, weapons, and vehicles form Palmer's factory. Marino also gave Palmer a piece of paper that had names of prisoners that he wanted released. I was unable to attain the list, since the cameras caught Marino's dead body and turned the alarm on. I got out and unseen."

"This is a game changer," said Franklin.

"We're going to need that list. And how would Palmer get those men out anyway? He probably has some kind influence with the warden or someone in high up authority."

"That is what I gathered as well, sir."

"From this moment on you are going to acquire that list and stop Palmer before he somewhere releases those men."

"Yes, sir." Louis stepped towards Eckhart.

"I just want to let you know that if you ever need anything you can find me anywhere. I will be there. I don't know what it is like to lose a family and then told to go kill the man who did it. Remember, revenge will not bring back your family nor will it bring you peace. You must let it go and for give him for it. It is the only way." At first Eckhart thought he was crazy when he said to forgive him. But the more he thought about it the more reasonable it sounded.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I'll try my best."

Eckhart left the office and proceeded back to the factory. The factory was surrounded by policemen and first responders. Eckhart showed his badge to an office preventing people from crossing the yellow crime scene tape. He passed through and proceeded inside. Palmer was busy downstairs talking to policemen. Eckhart proceeded upstairs to Palmer's office.

The door was unlocked. He walked inside and frantically searched for the piece of paper. It was not lying on his desk like he had hoped. He opened drawers and searched the files. Nothing. He thought and thought. A picture frame caught his eye. The image in the frame was tank. He took the frame off of the wall and flipped it around. There on the back of the picture frame was the piece of paper.

He took the paper and put the picture frame back. He folded it and put it in his coat pocket. He left the office unnoticed. He made his way downstairs and left the crime scene. He entered a nearby Subway and ordered a meatball and marina sauce foot long sub sandwich along with a large Sprite. He took out the piece of paper and looked over the names of the prisoners. None of the names did Eckhart recognize, but there were eleven names on the list. He finished his sandwich and drink and left the three story Subway and drove to the precinct. Eckhart made his way to the commissioner's office where the commissioner and the general were waiting. He handed the list to the commissioner. The commissioner and the general poured over the list.

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