Chapter XV

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The Knights could not believe their eyes. They had traveled in a pill box for a lengthy amount of time and traveled through the tube just to find out they were in Egypt. They gazed across the desert at more pyramids. It was a magnificent view. They were amazed at how the Egyptians built these massive structures for their dead pharaoh's as tombs. It several years to built them and without modern equipment and tools. They were built a few thousand years ago when the Egyptians rose to prominence.

Now was not the time for a grand view. It was time to put together what was to happen next. Grant tried the radio again, but got nothing. Perhaps that being by the outside the signal would be better, but it still was being interfered by the massive pyramid structure. The team retreated back into the pyramid. There were military vehicles of all sorts down below on the sandy ground. The Knights did not know if they were friend or foe. None of the Knights brought any binoculars, but Grant had the scope on his Barrett. The team went back to the outside as Grant scanned the area while looking through the scope.

It appeared that the soldiers below were many of Zaman's men. There were two familiar faces that Grant could see through the scope. He saw Zaman and Kwan. They were talking. This was their chance. Maybe they could take out Zaman and Kwan. They would have to plan it carefully given they just got here with no intelligence and no way to communicate with the carrier. Eckhart thought for a moment.

He had a plan. It just might work too. He led the team back inside to safety. They did not turn right down that one hall. Eckhart led them that way finding a large open area with several Iranian soldiers with their automatic rifles. It appeared that they were stocking weapons crates. The Knights hid behind the massive pillars that supported the ceiling. The Knights estimated that there were nearly fifty soldiers in the room. The Iranians soldiers were unaware of the Knights presence.

On Eckhart's signal the Knights were going to attack. They did not know if the sound would travel through they pyramid or not possibly sending more soldiers into it alerting the ones outside. With these massive stone walls, it should contain the sound to an extreme level. The Knights looked at Eckhart's hand as he held it in the air. Eckhart dropped his hand signaling the attack. The Knights came around the pillars and began firing their weapons at the soldiers. It took the soldiers by surprise and many fell over dead as they were unprepared and being rittled by bullets.

Patton pulled the pins on two grenades and tossed them near a large pile of crates. The grenades exploded igniting whatever was in the box. The explosion was not only amplified, but was also so large an explosion that the shockwave knocked Patton off of his feet onto the stone floor. He was fine of course as he got back up and continued firing his M249 at the soldiers. The explosion caused fires covering the rest of the crates. The explosion also killed several soldiers that were near it.

The Knights pushed the soldiers back against the wall finishing them off. Their bodies fell onto the stone ground, many piling on top of the other. Behind a stack of crates the Knights saw a tunnel, but what was different about this tunnel was that it had a dead end. It would have been a pointless tunnel if not for the item it contained. Inside the tunnel was a nuclear missile. Grant knew how to disarm a nuclear missile being that he was an expert in demolitions. He removed the cover where the wires were located. He carefully searched the right wire or wires to cut causing the missile to be disarmed and not able to be used again unless the wires were put back together. How the missile got put in there was a mystery. Perhaps it was built inside the pyramid. It was unlikely, but the Iranian soldiers figured out something.

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